Horseplay With Loaded Gun Kills Mechanic
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Re: Horseplay With Loaded Gun Kills Mechanic
Darwin got this one half right.
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Re: Horseplay With Loaded Gun Kills Mechanic
That's the way I see it. The shooter had his finger on the trigger and when the shootee pulled on the barrel, the pistol went forward and the trigger did not. Oops.The Annoyed Man wrote:The bigger problem, aside from the terminal stupidity of playing with a gun like that, is that the CHL didn't keep his booger hook off the bang switch until he was ready to apparently the safety between his ears had been disengaged too.
Why was the safety off? Why was his finger on the trigger? (Not to mention, why he had to display his weapon to begin with.)
A coworker of mine has been known to pull his knife on people, saying something like, "Don't walk up behind me. People who walk up behind me get stabbed."

He's done this to me two or three times. I chuckle and he says "I'm not joking."

I have made a point of walking up behind him when the owners of the company are around. Strangely his knife-pulling defensive reflex does not seem to kick in when the big bosses are there. Maybe he figures they'll protect him from whoever is sneaking up on him.
When I worked in the gun store, where we all carried, a coworker there always wanted to test this "stun baton" on me. He'd say "Come on, the batteries are getting pretty old. It probably won't hurt much.gigag04 wrote: . . . in my work, we limit our playing to pepper spray and TASER threats
And I'd tell him that the ammo in my .45 is pretty old too, so it probably wouldn't hurt much if I just shoot him in the leg. (Though I kept my gun in my holster. This was just talk.)
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Re: Horseplay With Loaded Gun Kills Mechanic
What does the knife really have to do with it? Are they trying to make you feel that he had it coming?
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Re: Horseplay With Loaded Gun Kills Mechanic
tonzofphun wrote:What does the knife really have to do with it? Are they trying to make you feel that he had it coming?

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United we stand, dispersed we falter
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Re: Horseplay With Loaded Gun Kills Mechanic
You guys get to have all the fun.gigag04 wrote:Agreed - in my work, we limit our playing to pepper spray and TASER threatsWildBill wrote:OldCurlyWolf wrote:Why is nobody remarking that the IDIOT with the knife contributed greatly to his own demise.
Don't poke at me with a knife, even playfully. I take great offense at such such stupidity.
My opinion is the idiot with the knife died of a case of being terminally stupid. And the other person isn't too far behind him on the stupid scale.Threatening deadly force is not a joking matter.

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