I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea

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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by OldCannon »

particle wrote:I personally think a kit built around something backpack size is best - like the Kel-Tec Sub-2000, or the SU-16C in a duffel bag or larger hiking pack.
I'm gonna disagree. If you need to bug out, you need to have essentials on you, not stored in a bag. Use the bag for meals and non-immediate first aid. CARRY an AR (or AK) with you on a sling, preferably with an IOTV or something similar (Blackhawk Elite Tac Vest). Yeah, I know that sounds all "Commando," but the reality is you need to keep important stuff on you and ready to deploy (ammo, emerg first aid, flashlight, multi-tool, slim jims, etc. ;-) ).
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by hillfighter »

I think a 5.56mm carbine is not the best firearm for a bug out kit but it will probably sell good to some demographics.
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by OldCannon »

hillfighter wrote:I think a 5.56mm carbine is not the best firearm for a bug out kit but it will probably sell good to some demographics.
Actually, it's an excellent caliber. Easy to shoot even for small-framed people. More importantly, rifle-caliber bullet wounds from a 5.56 WILL stop bad guys. This has been proved in this platform for almost 50 years now. It's small, lightweight, and it WORKS. Even a "simple" bullet wound on a person in a "survival" scenario is deadly. Yes, you won't stop a tank or bag guy with 4 plates of thick armor. You have bigger problems is that's what you're facing, and it won't be solved by an AK :)
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by hillfighter »

Oh, I don't think an AK is a good choice either for a bug out kit. That probably has a lot to do with the scenarios where I imagine bugging out is better than hunkering down. I also think E&E is a different mission than S&D.
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by Richardc »

Ok you guys every one has there own idea and they are all great. This is my planed load out for my family(me,wife and son. He is 4 and his kit will grow with him), we all have our own personal kit. Mine: TAC vest w/USMC combat load out(I was In for 8yrs so im familiar with it), a day assault pack(Camel back mule) loaded with enough stuff for me for a week including a change of cloths(a set of my old Cammie's), a 870od riot 12ga with Surefire for grip and 6rnd side saddle, a 1911 .45, and a sks. Hers: same pack load out as above(but stuff for her, change of cloths is a set of my old Cammie's), a M94 ranger compact in .357mag, a Sig 225 9mm in a shoulder rig. The little one has a smaller back pack with stuff for a week for him(change of cloths are rugged type stuff), a 10/22 carbine, a browning buck mark(he cant shoot them yet but I'm working on it, but that does not mean he cant carry them in a pack). All guns except for the .22s and 12ga have about 200 rounds, the 12ga only has a two boxes of 7 1/2 high brass bird shot, they are very versatile(from shooting birds and snakes to self defense, any one who thinks you cant defend yourself with this is more than welcome to let me shoot at you from 30 feet and tell me how it felt), and the .22s has a 550 value pack of federal JHP with a few mags each. As for the "stuff" in each pack: that is food, water, medical and whatever you want to fill it with for your needs and wants. I also have a myriad of survival type things in my truck(e-tool, hatchet, blankets, etc) which will the BO car of choice.

like what was said earlier, you need to be offering to build custom BOBs for a nominal fee.
Last edited by Richardc on Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by OldCannon »

Richardc wrote:Mine: TAC vest w/USMC combat load out(I was In for 8yrs so im familiar with it), a day assault pack(Camel back mule) loaded with enough stuff for me for a week including a change of cloths(a set of my old Cammie's)
A day pack with a week's worth of stuff is pretty impressive, actually.

Out of curiosity, what do you pack in your typical loadout and day pack?
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by Richardc »

True i guess its a little over stated,but i know I can stretch it to last a week if needed. Besides the cloths and water(3ltr) that the mule(to which i just found out the ones i have are not the same as the new ones, mines is much larger) carries, i have several MREs, minimal hygiene, cheap power bars I found at walmart that taste like peanut butter chalk, small knife, and other odds and ends. Now that I think about it i guess its more of a Urban Assault pack than a day assault pack.
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by srothstein »

I think you have all forgotten a major point in a bugout bag. You really need to know where you are going to go and have a decent stash there. The bugout bag is designed to get you to your safe spot and stash.

I recommend a pistol for the bugout bag for this reason. If you need a long gun, go for a 12 gauge pump with a folding stock. Have the appropriate rifles and ammo for the longer term in the stash at the safe place.

Just my opinion, of course.
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by OldCannon »

srothstein wrote:I think you have all forgotten a major point in a bugout bag. You really need to know where you are going to go and have a decent stash there. The bugout bag is designed to get you to your safe spot and stash.

I recommend a pistol for the bugout bag for this reason. If you need a long gun, go for a 12 gauge pump with a folding stock. Have the appropriate rifles and ammo for the longer term in the stash at the safe place.

Just my opinion, of course.
It's worse than that, actually. If things go very, very bad, your ability to get to an "evacuation place" are pretty slim. Jammed roads, possible martial law, and predators taking advantage of a distracted and understaffed first-responder force. You chances of getting where you need to go are almost completely removed, and attempting to go on foot means you're packing a LOT of stuff, most likely. "Preparation" means you're already right where you need to be when things go bad.

And I'd take a rifle any day over a shotgun OR a pistol. You can carry more ammo and function more effectively with a rifle. If the bad guy is in shotgun distance, you're already dead. Desperate bad guys are smart enough to travel in packs.

Just my $0.02. :tiphat:
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by karder »

I think you are on to a pretty good idea by assembling a "bug out" kit for folks who may not be sure how to assemble one for themselves or may not want to go to the trouble. I also like Tam's concept of allowing some level of customization for the individual. My thoughts are that your customers who might have an interest in a pre-assembled bug out kit are probably not as fluent in guns as most of the folks on this board. We all know what we like and have strong opinions.

I am thinking that the customer who would be interested in this kind of a kit, is someone who wants to be prepared for the worst, but may not be comfortable with their own experience level to build on themselves. You may be selling a lot of these to first time gun buyers.

For that reason, I would suggest trying to bring the price point down. Instead of an AR, perhaps a lower cost rifle or shotgun could be offered and then the customer could have the option to upgrade to an AR or better rifle. There are a lot of opinions, but I feel like your target buyer for a kit like this is going to be more of a novice. I would recommend adding a couple of water bladders to your basic kit and perhaps even a filtration system. Good luck, I think you are on to something.
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by Thomas »

karder wrote:I think you are on to a pretty good idea by assembling a "bug out" kit for folks who may not be sure how to assemble one for themselves or may not want to go to the trouble.


For that reason, I would suggest trying to bring the price point down. Instead of an AR, perhaps a lower cost rifle or shotgun could be offered and then the customer could have the option to upgrade to an AR or better rifle. There are a lot of opinions, but I feel like your target buyer for a kit like this is going to be more of a novice. I would recommend adding a couple of water bladders to your basic kit and perhaps even a filtration system. Good luck, I think you are on to something.
I wouldn't waste money and space on a rubber water bladder. Get a cheap plastic bladder that will take up less room. Also, get some purification tablets instead of a filtration system. Bug out bags should be temporary solutions while you're on the move. Once you set up somewhere, you can filter water with with gravity and natural stuff.

Also, if someone isn't sure how to assemble one for themselves or wants to go through the trouble, they may be in trouble whenever (if!) they get where they are going.

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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by fickman »

The Annoyed Man wrote:What both A-R and AEA said, but I would add the following:

How about offering a "build your own kit," consisting of a basic rifle with iron sights, a list of 3 or 4 optic options that you can sell at the same price, a list of 3 or 4 types of soft cases/packs you can offer at the same price, an option of bulk quantity M193 or M855 ball....say a 420 round box of either, a week's worth of MRE's or Mountain House, a compass, a fire starter, and a water filtration device?

Ordering would look something like this:
  • One rifle, included
  • Optic, choose one:
    • EOTech
    • Aimpoint with mount
    • 3-9x42mm Variable Power Scope with rings
  • Case, choose one:
    • Sports bag large enough to carry carbine with collapsed stock
    • Cordura "Briefcase" large enough to carry separated upper and lower receivers
    • Tactical rifle case with extra magazine pockets
  • Ammo, choose one:
    • 420 round box XM193 55 grain FMJ
    • 420 round box M844 62 grain "green tip" penetrator
  • Food, choose one:
    • Week's worth of Mountain House freeze dried meals
    • Equivalent value in assorted MREs
  • Compass
  • Fire starter
  • Water filtration device

I think the most compelling idea here is selling a few levels of "starters" that can people can build on themselves.

Have 3-5 options with increasing supplies and longevity:
- The Essentials
- The Essentials+
- The Essentials+ Family
- The Works
- The Bridge Burner Collection

. . . people will pay for the legwork of starting the basics for them. Bag / container, first aid, meals, flashlight, rope, batteries, water purification, etc. You might sell a firearm to somebody buying a kit or might sell a kit to somebody buying a firearm. Let each level add more categories of stuff, better quality of stuff, and supplies for a longer duration.

Make the bag (duffel / tactical for example) part of the kit and leave room for people to supplement with their own supplies or ammo (or add that to one of your kits, in their preferred caliber).

You could conceivably have an $80 starter to a $800 real world bug out bag. Limit the choices so that people don't get paralysis, and make the comparisons easy to see. . . customers will end up upgrading themselves by seeing, "Well, for $100 more I can get x, y, and z. . . "
Native Texian


Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by recaffeination »

Thomas wrote:Also, if someone isn't sure how to assemble one for themselves or wants to go through the trouble, they may be in trouble whenever (if!) they get where they are going.

Survival isn't a knife in your pocket, it's a mindset.
Survival kits are a business opportunity for the seller not a guarantee for the buyer. Caveat emptor.
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by OldCannon »

recaffeination wrote:
Thomas wrote:Also, if someone isn't sure how to assemble one for themselves or wants to go through the trouble, they may be in trouble whenever (if!) they get where they are going.

Survival isn't a knife in your pocket, it's a mindset.
Survival kits are a business opportunity for the seller not a guarantee for the buyer. Caveat emptor.
They're not much of an opportunity for sellers either, sorry to say. Untrained/unprepared consumers never expect a "survival kit" to cost as much as they do. Savvy preppers like to fine tune their kits and go on practice runs to see what does/doesn't work, so they don't buy "premades." I had one customer look at the $169 price on my Essential Survival Kits and say, "Wow...you know, these things really should be at least $100 less." Talk about making me verklempt - I make less than $20 selling one at that price (and people wonder why I don't carry much inventory :smilelol5: )

I'm not sure I'd agree it's a mindset, but it's definitely a skill set. I went through many survival schools when I was in the military, and I _remember_ some and _apply_ little, sadly. Skills require maintenance, just like shooting. First aid, knots, finding/filtering water, sanitation, meat processing - these are pretty fundamental skills everybody should have all the time.
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Re: I need your opinion on a bug out kit idea


Post by srothstein »

OldCannon wrote:It's worse than that, actually. If things go very, very bad, your ability to get to an "evacuation place" are pretty slim. Jammed roads, possible martial law, and predators taking advantage of a distracted and understaffed first-responder force. You chances of getting where you need to go are almost completely removed, and attempting to go on foot means you're packing a LOT of stuff, most likely. "Preparation" means you're already right where you need to be when things go bad.
You definitely have some valid points. I guess the biggest difference between our planning is when we will leave. I think my plans are based on leaving earlier in the troubles than yours. I am not one of those who will hang around until an evacuation order comes around for a hurricane, leaving when I see the trouble unavoidable and soon.

So let's agree that this needs to go into your planning for your bug-out bag. Are you the type to hang around or the type that leaves early? Are you expecting some notice of the trouble coming, or planning the bag based on a sudden emergency? Are you planning for a weather ermgency like a gulf coast hurricane, or an invasion a la "Red Dawn"? All of this will affect what you need in a bag.
Steve Rothstein
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