This is what I would be worried about! Out and out liars. We practically need to carry around voice recorders just to cover our tails.speedsix wrote:...a more likely outcome for a scenario like the one you purpose, is that the three of them call the cops and say: " This crazy white woman pulled a gun on us after yelling at us 'cause we accidentally dropped some trash...she said she'd shoot us if we didn't pick it up..."
...a lot of folks these days have no moral guidelines at all...say or do what they think will get them by...our being willing to "teach" doesn't suggest that "they" will have any willingness to learn...
On the cows.....I love COWS! Served many different ways. But if it is for burgers I am going to Five Guys! Don't know if yall have them down there, but my family thinks they rock!