The left views self-defense as immoral and it's a belief they use every opportunity to propagate. It's a notion that is embodied in the law in places like the UK.Beiruty wrote:What is immoral? Someone running at me with a butcher-sized knife, what do you expect me to do? At home I will run for my AK! Take that MSM and lefties. And, I am properly trained, we are the professionals.VMI77 wrote:That is a core part of the left's mantra --that only "professionals" can be entrusted with weapons and only "professionals" are capable of defending themselves. Us common people are supposed to be passive victims and wait for the 'properly trained professionals." We must simply accept our fate, be it a beating, rape, or death. It's not "safe" to defend yourself...much safer just to be beaten to death or shot....and anyway, self-defense is immoral: that is the message the MSM and the lefties seek to convey. Some people actually believe it.ScooterSissy wrote:It's interesting that when the media wanted to portray him as a vigilante, they stated many times that he was a "self-appointed neighborhood watch leader".![]()
17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
"Journalism, n. A job for people who flunked out of STEM courses, enjoy making up stories, and have no detectable integrity or morals."
From the WeaponsMan blog,
From the WeaponsMan blog,
Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
I said it before, but it got lost in the mix...I grew up in South Texas, "The Brush Country"...lots of folks with one Hispanic and one Anglo parent...closest thing you can get to "conservative" Democrats down there...lots of firearms...very few folks of African-American long as he doesn't have a problem with scorpions, tarantulas, rattlesnakes, and darned near every plant having a thorn or "sticker" on it, he'd be just, now I'm hungry for breakfast tacos with huevos con chorizo y pappas fritas...dang.FishInTx wrote:Zimmerman is trying to get bodyguard protection to help him from getting shot, by the people that have been so upset about somebody getting shot. How may death threats has George gotten so far? I hope he lives long enough to see his whole trial. Even if found innocent somebody will try and get him. He'll never have a normal life He'll go into hiding......Bahamas,peru, rio de janero
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
YUMMMMM me too now, now I'm hungry for breakfast tacos with huevos con chorizo y pappas fritas...dang.
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06/06/12 Plastic in Hand. 71 Days!
06/06/12 Plastic in Hand. 71 Days!
Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
You will get absolutely ZERO argument from me concerning that statement. "The common people" = "peasants, peons, serfs, etc"...dirty knuckle-dragging teabilly peasants clinging to our guns and religion in flyover country who should shut up and let our betters, the mighty, wise, oh-so-educated and elite leftists tell us how to live and act. While I am NOT advocating any sort of improper or illegal actions, my patience with that bunch of bullmanure is wearing really thin...VMI77 wrote:That is a core part of the left's mantra --that only "professionals" can be entrusted with weapons and only "professionals" are capable of defending themselves. Us common people are supposed to be passive victims and wait for the 'properly trained professionals." We must simply accept our fate, be it a beating, rape, or death. It's not "safe" to defend yourself...much safer just to be beaten to death or shot....and anyway, self-defense is immoral: that is the message the MSM and the lefties seek to convey. Some people actually believe it.ScooterSissy wrote:It's interesting that when the media wanted to portray him as a vigilante, they stated many times that he was a "self-appointed neighborhood watch leader".
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
That was where I grew up too....everything that moves is poisonous and will bite, everything that grows has thorns....but you learn to live with it. Becareful, shake out your boots before you put them on, wear your boots and tough jeans daily.Heartland Patriot wrote:I said it before, but it got lost in the mix...I grew up in South Texas, "The Brush Country"...lots of folks with one Hispanic and one Anglo parent...closest thing you can get to "conservative" Democrats down there...lots of firearms...very few folks of African-American long as he doesn't have a problem with scorpions, tarantulas, rattlesnakes, and darned near every plant having a thorn or "sticker" on it, he'd be just, now I'm hungry for breakfast tacos with huevos con chorizo y pappas fritas...dang.FishInTx wrote:Zimmerman is trying to get bodyguard protection to help him from getting shot, by the people that have been so upset about somebody getting shot. How may death threats has George gotten so far? I hope he lives long enough to see his whole trial. Even if found innocent somebody will try and get him. He'll never have a normal life He'll go into hiding......Bahamas,peru, rio de janero
Now I am craving puffy tacos.....mmmmmmm
SAHM to four precious children. Wife to a loving husband.
"The women of this country learned long ago those without swords can still die upon them!" Eowyn in LOTR Two Towers
"The women of this country learned long ago those without swords can still die upon them!" Eowyn in LOTR Two Towers
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
How about huevos con sesos? One of my great grandparents must have been a zombie.Heartland Patriot wrote:man, now I'm hungry for breakfast tacos with huevos con chorizo y pappas fritas...dang.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
A well done background on Zimmerman and what led up to the shooting. ... ory?page=1" onclick=";return false;
The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation where the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. James Madison
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
baldeagle wrote:A well done background on Zimmerman and what led up to the shooting. ... ory?page=1" onclick=";return false;
Have you all noted that no one talked about the crime wave that hit that neighborhood committed by young African-American males? Helllo, Mr Sharptan, can your read that article please?
United we stand, dispersed we falter
2014: NRA Endowment lifetime member
United we stand, dispersed we falter
2014: NRA Endowment lifetime member
Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
original article in Reuters ... 8H20120425" onclick=";return false;
Zimmerman has "black" roots not that race matters. ... 8H20120425" onclick=";return false;
Zimmerman has "black" roots not that race matters.
Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Finally! Some thoughtful reporting.
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
I wonder if Travon’s prints were compared with any that might have been found at the burglary scenes.Beiruty wrote:baldeagle wrote:A well done background on Zimmerman and what led up to the shooting. ... ory?page=1" onclick=";return false;
Have you all noted that no one talked about the crime wave that hit that neighborhood committed by young African-American males? Helllo, Mr Sharptan, can your read that article please?
God Bless America, and please hurry.
When I was young I knew all the answers. When I got older I started to realize I just hadn’t quite understood the questions.-Me
When I was young I knew all the answers. When I got older I started to realize I just hadn’t quite understood the questions.-Me
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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Gee he looked pretty much bald to me...philip964 wrote: Zimmerman has "black" roots not that race matters.

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Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
It seems that liberals think they have found proof of a racist legal system in the case of John McNeil of Georgia. ... n-georgia/" onclick=";return false;
You be the judge.
You be the judge.
The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation where the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. James Madison
NRA Life Member Texas Firearms Coalition member
NRA Life Member Texas Firearms Coalition member
Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Hmmm. I guess you don't want to tell the 911 operator that you plan to "whip someones ass" and then shoot them.baldeagle wrote:It seems that liberals think they have found proof of a racist legal system in the case of John McNeil of Georgia. ... n-georgia/" onclick=";return false;
You be the judge.
Re: 17y/o Killed By Neighborhood Watch/CHL
Not even a close comparison. Sorry, but once you read the whole article, that becomes apparent.baldeagle wrote:It seems that liberals think they have found proof of a racist legal system in the case of John McNeil of Georgia. ... n-georgia/" onclick=";return false;
You be the judge.