This was my first online purchase. He made it a point to explain everything to me and was quick to answer all my questions. I will definitely be using him again in the future.
One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them. -Thomas Jefferson
I hope that no one has any complaints about me breathing a little life into an old thread. However, I just wanted to share a slightly different but still positive experience I had doing a recent transfer with Tom. Tom helped me with a few transfers back when things were a bit slower.
More recently, I needed his assistance again on a rifle that shipped in early January. I arrived to find one other gentleman finishing up his paperwork. At some point during the course of filling out my paperwork I looked around only to find 2 more folks starting their paperwork. Things were getting busy! Tom managed to handle it all with ease while getting me out the door with a smile on my face as usual.
Anyways, it is great to know that Tom can handle the busy times as well as the slow ones.