Salty1 wrote:If people are showing up without a handgun that can be used for the shooting you are missing out on additional revenue, as mentioned you can easily charge them $10 to $20 for the use of yours and I do not feel that it would be at all out of line as they did not come prepared for the class. From a business perspective if you charge a $20 rental fee then after 20 students rent it then a $400 gun is paid for and turning a profit.
It is nice to see when ugly guns was mentioned that Glocks came up often, they don't get much uglier....![]()
.... The Sig 2022 was a good suggestion and my only issue would be they are a slight pain to break down to clean, we own one and that is my only knock on the gun. Also think about what trigger you want in a rental gun, my suggestion would be a DAO and keep everything consistant. You can get a Sig 250 in the upper $300 range and it has a great DAO trigger and will run forever. Good luck in your search, wish I had something used to help you out with

I think this is a good suggestion. Get a good used G17 for around $400 or $450. You will actually be turing a profit on this from day 1 since the resale value will be about what you paid for it. Seems like a solid return on investment (ROI) to quote a business term. If you have a class every other week, and someone rents your Glock at each class for $20, then you get an ROI of 5% every other week, or 10% a month, 120% a year. At that rate, you should want to have as many people as possible showing up without a firearm. Come to think of it, if your classes get enough people, then you might have 2 range sessions (mine did), in which case you could get 2 rentals per class from the same gun, and double your profit

One thing to consider is that the range you are using might not like the added competition from your gun rental business, but then again I am guessing that any such range does not have guns for rent since if they did, you wouldn't have this need in the first place.