Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to safety

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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by Keith B »

LSL wrote:
Keith B wrote:Maybe he was left handed and trying to use his right hand to engage the safety. It can happen. It happened to a CCW student in Missouri. Here is a recreation of the event " onclick=";return false;. Just ignore how the draw was done and think about someone rotating the gun to try and click of the safety.
For the sake of clarity:

"receation" = fun activity while "re-ceation" is a renactment or "do over" of something that occurred earlier.

Thank you Mr. Grammer Officer. ;-)

Yeah, I should have used a hyphen. However, the individual that made the video may do re-creations for recreation. :lol:
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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by seamusTX »

Step away from the keyboard and nobody will get hurt.

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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by philip964 »

LSL wrote:
Keith B wrote:Maybe he was left handed and trying to use his right hand to engage the safety. It can happen. It happened to a CCW student in Missouri. Here is a recreation of the event " onclick=";return false;. Just ignore how the draw was done and think about someone rotating the gun to try and click of the safety.
For the sake of clarity:

"receation" = fun activity while "re-ceation" is a renactment or "do over" of something that occurred earlier.

spelling please?

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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by Katygunnut »

FishInTx wrote:
Keith B wrote:Maybe he was left handed and trying to use his right hand to engage the safety. It can happen. It happened to a CCW student in Missouri. Here is a recreation of the event " onclick=";return false;. Just ignore how the draw was done and think about someone rotating the gun to try and click of the safety.
Most miss fires occur when? Turning safety on and off? Clearing jams? Load/Unloading gun? Itchy trigger finger? I'd look it up but I gotta go to bed!!
My vote is "when drunk"

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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by speedsix »

...what some people do for excercise... :roll:
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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by fickman »

seamusTX wrote:While we all like to whistle past the graveyard, a man has died here. Probably he left behind a grieving family. Unless someone wants to pry loose the detailed police reports, we probably will never know what kind of weapon it was or exactly what went wrong.

I can guarantee that everyone who accidentally shot himself or someone else thought he knew exactly what he was doing until the weapon fired.

- Jim
I didn't click the link and realize that he died from this. . . at the very least it is another solemn reminder to the community to know, revere, and follow the four rules.
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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by bayouhazard »

These things seem to happen when you point a gun at yourself and fiddle with the controls.

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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by mamabearCali »

Poor man, may God have mercy on him and his family.
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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by kjolly »

Accidents happen.
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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by ddurkof »

seamusTX wrote:Dead people can't collect workers comp. That is for medical treatment of on-the-job injuries.

Most employers carry accidental death insurance for on-the-job deaths. It's inexpensive in most industries.

It's also not clear from news reports whether the man was an employee or owner. ... 440885.php" onclick=";return false;

- Jim
Actually there are death benefits for on the job injuries. The key here will be was the injury compensable? The insurance carrier will most likely that he was not working when the injury occurred. Here is the information on death benefits." onclick=";return false;

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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by MeMelYup »

AndyC wrote:
Scott in Houston wrote:Yet another reason to carry GLOCK !
Hardly - here's another incident from yesterday:
“He turned the handgun toward his person when it discharged, striking him,” Pryor said in a statement.

Patterson was taken to Medical University Hospital, where he later died. The shop is at 7163 Cross County Road, which is just northwest of the Charleston International Airport.

A witness said he shot himself in the chest with a .45-caliber Glock.
Full story: ... 868&slId=5" onclick=";return false;
From the writeup it sounds like he had a hangfire.

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Re: Accidentally shoots self in Chest while switching to saf


Post by MeMelYup »

AndyC wrote:I'm not sure where you get that from.
Spencer Pryor, spokesman for the North Charleston Police Department, said that just after 5 p.m., Patterson was shooting on an indoor range at the Trader World Gun Shop when he turned his handgun to inspect it.

“He turned the handgun toward his person when it discharged, striking him,” Pryor said in a statement.
Might have been a hang-fire, sure - might have been a dummy unloading his pistol by pointing it at his chest with his finger on the trigger, too. I've seen the latter technique quite a lot of late - did I miss some popular movie recently where that was espoused as a cool way to do it?
That way you could look down the barrel while your clearing it and make shure there is nothing in the tube.:???:
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