TAM, what assumptions? Everything I stated were facts. Here goes....
Let's see, on the 10th, the deputy said that he shot the marine because "he feared for his life." :
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c ... 441S33.DTL
The guy he shot was a marine who had 3 good conduct medals:
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2 ... eputy.html
and he was also taking his daughters for a prayer walk, like he often does at 4:30 am before he starts work at 7:30 am:
http://laist.com/2012/02/10/marine_shot ... deputy.php
and he was unarmed:
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2 ... -says.html
Now, here's the kicker, on the 11th, the deputy, faced with evidence on the dashcam and the marine's daughters' testimony that conflicts with his story, now CHANGES his story to say that he did not shoot because he was "in fear for his life," but actually shot the man to protect him from hurting his own daughters:
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2 ... -says.html
The deputy said that Marine Sargent Manny Loggins "crashed into the fence". That is a boldface LIE. Check out the photo from the news helicopter:
http://missionviejo.patch.com/articles/ ... to-9077664
and a closeup photo:
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2 ... gious.html
Do you see a big hole in the fence? No. Is the car even touching the fence? Nope. Is there damage to Sargent Loggin's vehicle? no. Probably, he had a parking error and nudged the fence a little. I've done so myself many times. It's kinda hard to judge where the front of the car is sometimes.
Around the corner from my home, 2 years ago, a police officer here in Dallas, pointed his gun at a man so that he could use the pistol light on his gun as a means of illuminating the guy. Well, waddayaknow? The cop accidentally shoots the guy. This happened at a Jack in the Box where I dine every week.
At best, this is a screw up and the cop accidentally shot the marine. If so, he should just be a man and fess up instead of making up stories blaming the victim and then changing his story a day later.
At worst, this cop meant to shoot him and the cop tried to cover it up and realized that the story didn't fit the facts so he changed his story later.
Either way, the fact that he changed his story and LIED about the guy crashing his car just red flags the cop as a guilty perp. If it were the other way around and a civilian shot a cop because the cop was acting erratically, do you think the cops would arrest the civilian? Yes. So, I thought that in a democracy, "public servants" such as cops are supposed to get the same treatment as civilians? I didn't think that there was a caste system in Amerika. That cop should've been thrown in jail pending bail and/or a trial. The way events are unfolding is absolutely disgusting!