Being a tiny woman limits your carry options when your work uniform has rigid standards. Being a waitress makes it *really* difficult because coworkers are bumping into you all the time, and it's not uncommon for coworkers to place a hand on your side or back (if you aren't facing them) as they pass to ensure you don't suddenly move and spill their tray. Since I'm never in a situation like that when I'm around town carrying, work carry calls for a different solution. I've been thinking this whole time that the only option I have for carry at work is to put it in my apron. My 1911 sure doesn't fit, and my S&W 60 is just a tad too long, so the butt sticks out of the pocket.
As some of you might have read in another post I recently started, I just got a Kahr K9. I remember the Annoying Man saying I'd appreciate a polymer-framed one for deep concealment. Seems as though my K9 works just fine for work concealment! I found a tuckable IWB holster for the K9 and my husband insisted that I buy it. I figured out real fast that carrying IWB with regular clothes is much more obvious than OWB carry, since my jeans don't fit well with the IWB holster; in fact, if I carry where it's most comfortable in the appendix position, it makes me look like I might be the other gender!
Thing is, for work I wear a big huge apron over my front. I can put that K9 in the tuckable holster in the appendix position, tuck my shirt in as required, then slap my apron on top and POOF! My gun disappears. I look like I gained 10-15 pounds overnight, but I'm married and not trying to impress anyone at work so who cares? As an added bonus, my husband thinks it's sexy because he knows that extra 2" at the waist is a gun.

I worked four shifts with this setup -- the gun did not budge and remained completely concealed. It's like it became one with my body. I wasn't restricted in my movement except for not being able to bend too far at the waist. Not a big problem and I've already found ways around it. After the first hour or so on shift, I forgot it was there! I was walking around, carrying trays, and reaching for things on high shelves like I didn't have a gun on my waist. And no one noticed. Not a one. I had two female coworkers accidentally HIT the dang thing as they passed, and neither batted an eye. I gave two old friends and an extended family member front-on hugs with it on, and no one seemed to notice despite the fact that it was literally right there in front of them. I should also add that my black grip doesn't show through my white undershirt and white dress shirt AT ALL.
I'm thrilled because now I finally feel secure at work. I've seen stories of people robbing restaurants during business hours, but I'm more concerned about the walk to and from my car. Sometimes I leave work after 11pm and you know there's nobody out there that would hear if I was in trouble. And a fat lot of good my gun does me in the car! Thing is, my employer has a no weapons policy (but no 30.06, no specific phrasing towards CHL holders), so I know I've got to really consider what to say should someone ask about the big metal thing behind my belt. I can't even carry my pocketknife to work, for goodness' sake. How messed up is that? Anyway, I've decided that if someone asks what it is, I'm going to respond with, "A medical device." If they press, I'll be forced to tell them that they're being nosy and it's none of their business. In an emergency, my "medical device" will assist in keeping me alive, and that's all they need to know. I suppose if I had to use it I'd be fired for having a weapon, but I'd sure rather be unemployed than dead.
In short, work carry is a success. I can now carry EVERYWHERE except to class (which I hope will eventually change) and I feel much better for it. Since I can't share this with anyone at work - indeed, can't share with anyone but my husband - I wanted to let out some of my excitement here!