Accidentally Outed

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Accidentally Outed


Post by DocV »

I went into the little room today to tuck in my shirt and hike up my jeans. When I came out I walked passed a lady who asked me if that was a gun sticking out of my coat tails. I blushed :oops: and confessed. I knew better than to lie to her :nono:. 'cause my lying stinks, the folks taught me better, and because the lady is my wife. On the plus side, she was sitting on our living room sofa. So no big problem. But a lesson learned about checking one's cover after rearranging one's wardrobe. :lol:

I hadn't told her about the CHL :evil2: so we had a chance to talk about the pros and cons. Turns out that we had taken our co-ed daughter out shopping on the same night that a BG robbed a handicapped man over at the Walmart parking lot. We had been headed to that Walmart but opted to stop at a drugstore instead. While we were checking out one of the local thugs came into the store and took up position to our rear. The clerk and I both had our proximity alarms go off so we both turned towards the guy and politely ask him how we could help him. Evidently he had enough experience to realize what that bump under my jacket meant, so he smiled, made up some lame excuse, turned and walked out of the door. I ask my ladies to finish paying then casually went outside to clear the parking lot before we left.

None of this was lost on my wife and she brought it up during our CHL discussion. She said she had been wondering why the thug had turned tail and said "Thank God you are carrying." On the downside,she wants me to pay for our daughter and FSIL, who is a grad student, to get their CHLs too and told me that I may need to buy a few more guns. "rlol" Once I regain my composure I am headed to the LGS.

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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by JustMe »

Let me see if I understood this right. You got your CHL without ever discussing it with your wife? I guess I don't understand that logic. You see, I am of the opinion that if there is a gun in the house, then everyone in the house needs to know about it, how to handle it and how to make it safe. And, since today is my husband & I's 36th anniversary---well, he tells me everything and vice versa. Bet you got a surprise when she told you that you need more guns!! You do realize that at LEAST one of them will be HERS--maybe more since you tried to keep a secret from her!!
Mary Ellis
TX CHL Instructor NRA Instuctor--Basic Pistol,Basic Rifle, Basic Shotgun, RTBAV,Home Firearm Safety,Personal Protection in the Home, Personal Protection outside the Home. ,RSO, CRSO,TP&&W Hunter Ed Instructor
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Scott in Houston
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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by Scott in Houston »

I'm trying to figure out how you took 10 hours to do the class without her wondering where you were! :shock:

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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by DocV »

JustMe wrote:Let me see if I understood this right. You got your CHL without ever discussing it with your wife? I guess I don't understand that logic. You see, I am of the opinion that if there is a gun in the house, then everyone in the house needs to know about it, how to handle it and how to make it safe. And, since today is my husband & I's 36th anniversary---well, he tells me everything and vice versa. Bet you got a surprise when she told you that you need more guns!! You do realize that at LEAST one of them will be HERS--maybe more since you tried to keep a secret from her!!
Hi JustMe. Happy Anniversary!
And, Hi Scott.
Sometimes, the english, he fails me;) The wife knows about guns and how to handle them. She also knew about the class. Maybe she hadn't done the arithmetic:
guns + class = CHL.
But she is smart, Magna Cum Laude, and may have just pretended not to know.

JustMe, the wife and I have been married for over forty years. When we were married I was in the military and the 'logic' ( if you dare call it that ) comes from those days. I realize that may sound odd, but we had to develop self-reliance and learn to be autonomous. No questions or justifications necessary. _But_ if we need or want to talk about something later we do.

BTW, this approach has taught me that my wife is really really good at negotiating car deals and that I was the best diaper changer in the family. How the wife ever figured that out is beyond me ;-)

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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by JustMe »

military==explains a lot! Hubby was USMC--I was USN so I know about that!! Don't get me wrong--we don't "ask"--it is more of just a matter of keeping each other informed. It's just that when I first read your post, it came across to me that she didn't know ANYthing about it! That was what i questioned! Before our house was burglerized, I have no idea how MANY guns he had in the top of the closet--but I knew they were there, etc.

H knows that I have taken the classes, sent everything in, but he doesn't know(like I do!) exactly where it stands in the process!

I know what you mean about finding out things over time. I consider myself a pretty good cook--but I can't stir fry worth a flip--and guess what the only thing he cooks is--stirfry!
Mary Ellis
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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by DocV »

JustMe wrote:military==explains a lot! Hubby was USMC--I was USN so I know about that!! Don't get me wrong--we don't "ask"--it is more of just a matter of keeping each other informed. It's just that when I first read your post, it came across to me that she didn't know ANYthing about it! That was what i questioned!
Before our house was burglerized, I have no idea how MANY guns he had in the top of the closet--but I knew they were there, etc.
Ouch! My condolences about the burglars. Am I correct in thinking hubby has since purchased a nice gun safe?
JustMe wrote: H knows that I have taken the classes, sent everything in, but he doesn't know(like I do!) exactly where it stands in the process!

I know what you mean about finding out things over time. I consider myself a pretty good cook--but I can't stir fry worth a flip--and guess what the only thing he cooks is--stirfry!
Odd how we find our soul mates isn't it? Enjoy your anniversary. May I suggest stir fry for dinner?

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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by JustMe »

DocV wrote:
JustMe wrote:military==explains a lot!
Am I correct in thinking hubby has since purchased a nice gun safe?

May I suggest stir fry for dinner?

Actually it is funny--he hasn't replaced any of them! And right now has no interest in having a gun anymore. I'M the one who is now shooting! They took all of his guns-and all of his badges, duty belt, etc. He used to be a reserve deputy.

And nope--neither one of us cooked--Johnny Carinos!
Mary Ellis
TX CHL Instructor NRA Instuctor--Basic Pistol,Basic Rifle, Basic Shotgun, RTBAV,Home Firearm Safety,Personal Protection in the Home, Personal Protection outside the Home. ,RSO, CRSO,TP&&W Hunter Ed Instructor

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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by johnson0317 »

Yow! I guess we all react differently to things. He really was violated by what they chose to steal from him. I hope he recovers from this and understands that the both of you being armed is better than just one of you. What happens if you get injured and can't cover his back anymore? He will need to be covering yours. I feel strangely sad that they stole those things...really bums me out.

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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

DocV wrote:I went into the little room today to tuck in my shirt and hike up my jeans. When I came out I walked passed a lady who asked me if that was a gun sticking out of my coat tails. I blushed :oops: and confessed. I knew better than to lie to her :nono:. 'cause my lying stinks, the folks taught me better, and because the lady is my wife. On the plus side, she was sitting on our living room sofa. So no big problem. But a lesson learned about checking one's cover after rearranging one's wardrobe. :lol:

I hadn't told her about the CHL :evil2: so we had a chance to talk about the pros and cons. Turns out that we had taken our co-ed daughter out shopping on the same night that a BG robbed a handicapped man over at the Walmart parking lot. We had been headed to that Walmart but opted to stop at a drugstore instead. While we were checking out one of the local thugs came into the store and took up position to our rear. The clerk and I both had our proximity alarms go off so we both turned towards the guy and politely ask him how we could help him. Evidently he had enough experience to realize what that bump under my jacket meant, so he smiled, made up some lame excuse, turned and walked out of the door. I ask my ladies to finish paying then casually went outside to clear the parking lot before we left.

None of this was lost on my wife and she brought it up during our CHL discussion. She said she had been wondering why the thug had turned tail and said "Thank God you are carrying." On the downside,she wants me to pay for our daughter and FSIL, who is a grad student, to get their CHLs too and told me that I may need to buy a few more guns. "rlol" Once I regain my composure I am headed to the LGS.
You have a "Good Un" . Make sure you keep her (actually that she keeps you). :coolgleamA:
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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by DocV »

OldCurlyWolf wrote:You have a "Good Un" . Make sure you keep her (actually that she keeps you). :coolgleamA:
She is definitely a 'keeper'.
I think I am ok as long as I take out the trash, clean out the kitty litter and avoid getting too uppity ;-)

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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by JustMe »

johnson0317 wrote:Yow! I guess we all react differently to things. He really was violated by what they chose to steal from him. I hope he recovers from this and understands that the both of you being armed is better than just one of you. What happens if you get injured and can't cover his back anymore? He will need to be covering yours. I feel strangely sad that they stole those things...really bums me out.

Just so you know, I know his skills and have NO doubt that he would be able to handle anything. Right now, I just make sure I have an extra to "share". And yes, we do all react differently. This was several years ago--they took jewelry from me that I haven't replaced. And the weirdest thing was they used pillowcases that I had made to match a quilt I had made to carry stuff off with--and I can't bring myself to replace them. They also took all of my perfume(??) and it took awhile before I replaced any of it. We are pretty sure that we know of at least one person involved in it--a former employee. She was never charged with that-but she did spend time in prison for embezzlement(not enough in my opinion). One reason we think she was involved---HIS wedding ring and USMC ring were stolen-but my wedding rings weren't.
Mary Ellis
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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by TacShot »

DocV wrote:I went into the little room today to tuck in my shirt and hike up my jeans. When I came out I walked passed a lady who asked me if that was a gun sticking out of my coat tails. I blushed :oops: and confessed. I knew better than to lie to her :nono:. 'cause my lying stinks, the folks taught me better, and because the lady is my wife. On the plus side, she was sitting on our living room sofa. So no big problem. But a lesson learned about checking one's cover after rearranging one's wardrobe. :lol:

I hadn't told her about the CHL :evil2: so we had a chance to talk about the pros and cons. Turns out that we had taken our co-ed daughter out shopping on the same night that a BG robbed a handicapped man over at the Walmart parking lot. We had been headed to that Walmart but opted to stop at a drugstore instead. While we were checking out one of the local thugs came into the store and took up position to our rear. The clerk and I both had our proximity alarms go off so we both turned towards the guy and politely ask him how we could help him. Evidently he had enough experience to realize what that bump under my jacket meant, so he smiled, made up some lame excuse, turned and walked out of the door. I ask my ladies to finish paying then casually went outside to clear the parking lot before we left.

None of this was lost on my wife and she brought it up during our CHL discussion. She said she had been wondering why the thug had turned tail and said "Thank God you are carrying." On the downside,she wants me to pay for our daughter and FSIL, who is a grad student, to get their CHLs too and told me that I may need to buy a few more guns. "rlol" Once I regain my composure I am headed to the LGS.
It appears you were outed again. I'm not to sure I want anyone to see a bump under my jacket.
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Re: Accidentally Outed


Post by RPBrown »

Scott in Houston wrote:I'm trying to figure out how you took 10 hours to do the class without her wondering where you were! :shock:

It is not at all uncomman for my wife and I to be apart and not know where each other is (exactly) for long periods of any given day. We both lead very active lives and some things we do don't include the other.

Yesterdy she went to Huntsville as a mentor to a prisoner and I went to a mens bible study after church. I knew where she was going but she didn't know where I would be during the day. She knew about the bible study, just not where it was.

She closes her business on Mondays and runs errands. I don't know where all she goes and don't hear from her unless she calls me to see if I need something or to tell me (rub it in that I'm getting old) that I forgot to do something like take out the trash.
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