Kim Jong Il - dead

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Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by bnc » ... 48603.html

His son Kim Jon Un is expected to take over, he's 27.
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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Ding dong, the witch is dead... the wicked witch, the witch is dead. Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.
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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by bnc »

The Annoyed Man wrote:Ding dong, the witch is dead... the wicked witch, the witch is dead. Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.
Yes, but there is no telling what his son will be like. Or perhaps some higher-up might try to over through the young dictator.
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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by MoJo »

bnc wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Ding dong, the witch is dead... the wicked witch, the witch is dead. Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.
Yes, but there is no telling what his son will be like. Or perhaps some higher-up might try to over through the young dictator.
Korea is a international tinderbox. All it will take to destabilize the status quo would be for a power struggle to erupt in North Korea possibly spilling across the DMZ and reigniting the hostilities. We still have combat troops in Korea don't forget.
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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by Dave2 »

MoJo wrote:
bnc wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Ding dong, the witch is dead... the wicked witch, the witch is dead. Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.
Yes, but there is no telling what his son will be like. Or perhaps some higher-up might try to over through the young dictator.
Korea is a international tinderbox. All it will take to destabilize the status quo would be for a power struggle to erupt in North Korea possibly spilling across the DMZ and reigniting the hostilities. We still have combat troops in Korea don't forget.
It would be interesting to watch a power struggle in a "modern" society, but you just pointed out why I really hope it doesn't happen.
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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by aaangel »

hope his son has a "change of heart"
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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by speedsix »

...that was my first thought...we really don't need another time bomb right now...but there it is...
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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by 74novaman »

Been a good year for thugs and scum, hasn't it?

Osama, quadaffi, Kim Jong...

Now if only Chavez, Castro and a few more would follow their lead!

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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by speedsix »

...the year ain't over...we can hope...
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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by Skiprr »

AndyC wrote:I foresee his son being assassinated.
I don't know; maybe not.

There have been no reports out of South Korea--at least that I have seen--indicating any increased military activity in North Korea following Jong Il's death. If there's to be a regime change, the military is where I'd expect it to come from, and I would have expected some sign of intent fairly quickly. Ain't gonna be no Time Magazine's "Protestor of the Year" ushering grassroots change any time soon into North Korea. :???:

The reality is that it's likely to be the baby-dictator Kim Jung Un's uncle who is likely to run things for now and into the near future...that is, if Jung Un doesn't foul things up for himself and try to flex his (internal) political muscles and mess with the military. If he tries to yank the military's chain--he's a 27-year-old four-star with zippo experience--we could see big changes. But I think his uncle and his family will hold him in check and press him into maintaining the "family tradition."

If we're very, very lucky, Jung Un will be intelligent, have an independent streak, and want to lead North Korea--albeit slowly--into the global community. But much of that motivation will likely depend upon China. You can bet that Beijing is pressing Jung Un, his family, and the non-familial military leaders in order to preserve China's interests. If there is no military coup in North Korea in the next weeks or months, and the new leadership really understands its ever-increasing dependency on China, there may be progress.
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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by gigag04 »

AndyC wrote:I foresee his son being assassinated.
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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Skiprr wrote:If we're very, very lucky, Jung Un will be intelligent, have an independent streak, and want to lead North Korea--albeit slowly--into the global community. But much of that motivation will likely depend upon China. You can bet that Beijing is pressing Jung Un, his family, and the non-familial military leaders in order to preserve China's interests. If there is no military coup in North Korea in the next weeks or months, and the new leadership really understands its ever-increasing dependency on China, there may be progress.
I actually suspect that China was not particularly enamored of "Dear Leader's" unpredictability. They like to know what is going to happen, and they don't particularly like instability anymore than anyone else does—unless they instigate it and then can manipulate it to their advantage. I don't believe that China actually likes having an unstable nuclear nation on its border, and China actually assisted the U.S. in trying to stop NK's further nuclear development efforts—without success.

Stability and predictability is what China wants from her neighbors. If Jong Un tries to lead NK into the global community, I suspect that China would enthusiastically support him—so long as he keeps the mantle of communism and dictatorial control over the nation. If he were "dumb" enough to swing toward the democratic, China would act to quash him as quickly as possible.
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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by speedsix »

...nah...Daddy was a loose cannon...that makes the boy a son of a gun...the Koreas aren't going to stabilize anytime soon...

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Re: Kim Jong Il - dead


Post by philip964 »

74novaman wrote:Been a good year for thugs and scum, hasn't it?

Osama, quadaffi, Kim Jong...

Now if only Chavez, Castro and a few more would follow their lead!
I realized the same thing, 2011 has been a very good year.
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