30.06 "Sighting"

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30.06 "Sighting"


Post by DSARGE »

Since I took the class on 18 DEC 06, I have been looking everywhere I go for postings and being cognizant of where I can and can't carry when my license comes in. I was at the AT&T Center in San Antonio last night, and saw my very first 30.06 sign. Are they that uncommon, or do I not frequent the places that have them?
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Same here...


Post by BoneDigger »

I also have been looking when I go into stores and I have only seen one. It was at my wife's workplace, which is Suddenlink Communications regional office (use to be Cox Cable).

It's the only one I've seen here in Tyler, but I gather there are others I just haven't found yet.


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Taco Cabana


Post by uncle dan »

I found a somewhat hidden, undersized 30.06 sign at the side entrance to the Taco Cabana at 1604 and Blanco Rd in San Antonio. I did not check the front door. I left and took my money elsewhere.

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Re: Taco Cabana


Post by HankB »

uncle dan wrote:I found a somewhat hidden, undersized 30.06 sign . . .
If it's not clearly visible and fully compliant (size, wording, etc.) then as far as CHL holders are concerned it may as well be nonexistant.

Except for the local Saxet gun show, I haven't seen compliant PC30.06 signs around Austin outside of employers like Dell and 3M. but their facilities aren't generally open to the public.

Places like Half-Price Books and some auto dealers have "no guns" type signs - sometimes citing obsolete statutes, sometimes with PC30.06 wording typed on a sheet of notebook paper, sometimes a "gunbusters" circle and slash symbol - but those have no legal standing as far as CHL holders are concerned.
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Post by kauboy »

Honestly, I'm like you. I haven't seen many at all. In fact, the only one I saw was at Harris Southwest Hospital. The "contrasting colors" debate could be had about it since it was white on glass, but at least they didn't try to hide it. The letters were easily more than an inch high, and it was plastered right in front of you when you walk through the door in both languages. Missing it would be incredibly hard.
Other than that, nope, I haven't seen any others. Even at my local Taco Cabana, which apparently has a corporate policy about it, they don't have one at all.
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Post by nitrogen »

The only obviously valid 30.06 signs i've seen are at gunshows.
I've seen only one validly worded 30.06 sign, at the dallas museum of art, and it was not on the entrance I took to get in.

I've seen a smattering of ghostbusters signs and other non-legal signs, like at Love Field, Jason's Deli in Addison, and a few other places, but rarely do I seem to get inconvienienced by a real posting.
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Post by Rex B »

Aren't hospitals off-limits anyway?

If so, a 30.06 would be redundant.
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Re: hospitals


Post by txinvestigator »

Rex B wrote:Aren't hospitals off-limits anyway?

If so, a 30.06 would be redundant.
NO. Hospitals, Nursing Homes Churches and Amusement Parks are only off limits if they post 30.06.

Texas Penal Code

§46.035. Unlawful carrying of handgun by license holder.

(b) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder
intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the
authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, regardless
of whether the handgun is concealed, on or about the license holder's

(4) on the premises of a hospital licensed under Chapter 241,
Health and Safety Code, or on the premises of a nursing home licensed
under Chapter 242, Health and Safety Code, unless the license holder
has written authorization of the hospital or nursing home
administration, as appropriate;

(5) in an amusement park; or

(6) on the premises of a church, synagogue, or other
established place of religious worship.

(c) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder
intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the
authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, regardless
of whether the handgun is concealed, at any meeting of a governmental

(i) Subsections (b)(4), (b)(5), (b)(6), and (c) do not apply
if the actor was not given effective notice under Section 30.06
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Post by Rex B »

Good to know.
Mom is in the hospital right now, and I've been stashing my weapon in the car before going in. I looked for 30.06 (Harris HEB) but saw no postings.
I'll look again tonight.

I appreciate the clarification.
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Post by 1TallTXn »

the only one I've seen was at Grapevine Mills Mall. and even then it was out of sight. it was huge, but you still had to be looking for it.

Oddly enough many of the perimeter stores don't have any signs let alone a 30.06.

I don't much like malls anyway, so I avoid them if at all possible.

Seen plenty of the "unlicensed possession of weapons..." signs around. but those don't bother me
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HEB Harris


Post by Rex B »

OK, I checked the signs thoroughly at the entrance to HEB Harris Hospital in Euless. There is a cast bronze plaque inside the door that reads (approximately):

Possession of a handgun on these presmises is illegal"

It cites a statute which I wrote down but then lost.

I believe it cites a section of "4463"

Definitely not 30.06, but also different from anything else I've seen.
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Post by tsteven1 »

Thanks, Investigater.
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Grapevine Mills Mall


Post by Big Calhoun »

At least if you're coming from the side of 2499/DFW Airport. It's off to left and not first apparent as you're walking straight to the doors.

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Re: Grapevine Mills Mall


Post by txinvestigator »

Big Calhoun wrote:At least if you're coming from the side of 2499/DFW Airport. It's off to left and not first apparent as you're walking straight to the doors.
umm, what?
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Re: Grapevine Mills Mall


Post by Big Calhoun »

txinvestigator wrote:
Big Calhoun wrote:At least if you're coming from the side of 2499/DFW Airport. It's off to left and not first apparent as you're walking straight to the doors.
umm, what?
Sorry, all forums are different in how they're setup. I put 'Grapevine Mills' in the subject line. The Grapevine Mills Mall has 30.06 signs.
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