Yes. Exactly. You understand me correctly.The Mad Moderate wrote:So let me get this straight TAM the Tea Party protesting bailouts and reckless spending is patriotic and these people protesting banks and the benefits the top 1% get are parasites and commies?
![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](./images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif)
The Tea Party protested government recklessly spending taxpayer money. I'm willing to bet both your income and mine that the vast majority of the Occupy crowd who were of voting age in 2008 voted for Obama and his policies.......including bank bailouts and government motors. The banks (not all, but some of them) took advantage of those bailouts and survived. I argued back then that they should have been allowed to fail. That's capitalism. The commies and the pinkos, they didn't want that. Now they have reaped what they've sown. They are protesting the profits which banks earn, not the reckless spending of taxpayer funds used to bail those banks out. They can go pee up a rope.....and take a bath, PLEASE, when they're finished.
When they work hard enough and smart enough to get into that top 1% themselves, then they too can enjoy the benefits of the amount of work and smarts that it took to get there. You don't like being a less well paid English Lit major? Switch majors to Business & Finance, then get yourself to a good MBA program and sink another 2 or 3 years of your life into that. Then get hired as a management trainee and work your way up the ladder. There's nothing more darwinian than that. Isn't that what liberals love? Darwin?. Getting a BA in Education (which we need, BTW, I'm not disparaging it, and neither am I disparaging how hard teachers work), and then relying on the Unions and blackmailing the taxpayers to get you there isn't going to cut it. It would be an immoral expectation. The choice to be an English Lit or Education major is your choice, not society's choice. Why should society have to pay a penalty for your decision making? When you choose to pursue a somewhat lower paying profession (like being a teacher as opposed to being a doctor or lawyer), or a fairly low paying profession (like being an artist or a musician as opposed to being a carpenter or a janitor), then you are choosing everything that comes with that—including the lowered financial means. There is nothing inherently wrong in making those kinds of choices, but there is something inherently wrong with having expectations for material benefit which are not commensurate with those choices. That is one major difference between a grownup and a child. I have a brother who is a dedicated liberal and a musician. He does not complain about not getting rich doing it. As he told my mother years ago when she expressed worry about his financial future, "mom, it is my art, and I'm willing to accept the consequences of making that choice." Apparently, the "Occupy" crowd is not willing to accept the consequences of their choices—and that makes them either children, commies, or both.
Not one shred of sympathy for their cause from me.
Me? I've chosen self-employment, in a field which is under tremendous pressure in this economy by the way. Things are HARD right now. But you don't see me protesting the rich for being rich. That's just dumb. When you put up barriers to them remaining rich by progressively confiscating more and more of someone's riches, you're putting up barriers against ME getting rich. I work as hard as I do, and put up with as little net income as I do, because I am betting that this will all pay off in the long run and I'll be able to retire comfortably on the results of my efforts. It is tough. It is hard. If you don't have the stomach for it, why should I be penalized when I finally get there?
I have no sympathy whatsoever for the Occupy crowd. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. I hate the president even more than I hate the occupy crowd because he has chosen to make this election into a class war and divide the country until he conquers it. He can go straight to Hades. Like I said in another post, I hope he chokes on a chicken bone. You want examples of why?
'Occupiers' killing stimulus-funded sod in D.C.
Obama: GOP Wants "Dirtier Air, Dirtier Water, Less People With Health Insurance"..........Yes, we are the devil, apparently. I hope he chokes on TWO chicken bones.
White House insists Obama's next bus tour isn't political...........Do you really believe that? Obama's campaign is already in full court press, and he is using the taxpayer money to support "Occupy." Don't believe it? Here's the next headline:
Obama extends support for protesters
Obama blasts, mocks Senate a senate with a democrat majority. Why hasn't he said anything about the two democrats who threw the vote against his party? They're the ones who are responsible. If he had enjoyed party solidarity, it wouldn't have mattered what republicans did. Gee.... could there be something wrong with his approach?
China: Occupy Wall Street's issues worth thought (You want to be on the same side of an issue as the COMMUNIST Chinese? Yes....the protesters are commie parasites.)
Dismiss all charges or we will clog up courts, lawyers for Occupy Wall Street protesters say............Blackmail? Gee, maybe if they comported themselves responsibly like the Tea Party protesters did, they would not have been arrested and charged in the first place. Tea Party event attendees didn't break the laws. They made their opinions known, and they got political results, and almost none were ever arrested. It's the difference between responsible adult behavior and "gimme, gimme, gimme," irresponsible childish behavior.
So yeah. They are parasites and commies.......