canvasbck wrote:You can't be pro-abortion and pro-gay-rights and be conservative
To start off, I'm conservative, anti-abortion, and think the federal governement should stay away from the gay rights issue.
Wow Charles, I have to disagree with you here. IMO, a conservative believes that the powers of the federal govt should be limited as much as possible.
I agree that size, scope and authority of the federal government should be very limited. I think that the federal government's power should be limited to those expressly set out in the Constitution and not expanded by perverting the Commerce Clause. However, Ron Paul and the Libertarian Party also want to limit the state government's authority to regulate the acts I set out in my prior posts.
canvasbck wrote:I am OK with federal laws that prevent me or others from victimizing other innocent citizens (murder, fraud, theft, abortion, ect) but if Bob Denver (Gilligan) or Willie Nelson wants to light up a left handed cigarrette on his porch, who cares?
I care and so do the vast majority of Americans. While agree that we are losing the so-called war on drugs, I don't buy the argument that smoking dope is a victimless crime. But again, Ron Paul and the LP don't merely want to legalize only marijuana, they want to repeal all drug laws. So heroin, meth, crack, LSD, PCP and anything else will be perfectly legal.
canvasbck wrote:If Bob and Willie want to get married, it doesn't affect me or my wife in the least.
I'm not going to get into this issue other than to say I could not disagree more.
canvasbck wrote:My belief system has taught me that homosexuality is wrong, but it also has taught me that God created us with free will to do wrong things. If God was OK with me having a free will to screw up and do things that damage me here on earth or in eternity, who is the government to take that free will away?
God gave us free will to follow Christ or to sin, but that doesn't make sinning okay with God. It would be way too easy to get into a discussion of religion, so I'll shut up.
canvasbck wrote:I don't really care for the conservative and liberal boxes that everyone must fit into. Being a conservative (or a liberal for that matter) isn't some exclusive club with a list of beliefs that you must conform to without fail. Just because I don't feel exactly the same was as Hannity on every issue, I still agree with at least 90% of the conservative agenda. In the areas of fiscal conservancy and entitlement and tort reform I agree with the conservative agenda 100%.
When people identify themselves as liberal or conservative, it's merely a shorthand way to give an overview of their philosophy about life and government. Of course, these are imprecise labels and some conservatives will disagree on relative minor issues as will liberals. But if the disagreement extends to major issues that are the foundation of conservative or liberal beliefs, then one question the candidate's sincerity. In Houston, we saw liberal Democrat judges defeated in mass, only to have some run as Republicans the next election. It was a sham and most were defeated.
So why do liberal Democrats and Libertarians claim to be "conservatives?" It's because conservatives are the mainstream in this country. If it were otherwise, then politically savvy candidates would claim to be liberal or moderate, but they don't except in limited geographic areas. The media tries to convince their viewers/readers otherwise, but the mainstream media has been losing its influence on the public since cable TV and the Internet came of age.