So we have been trying to find a holster for my since I am carrying pregnant and have been having a hard time doing that. (see belly band fail). We were testing out different holster and different options. I leave the room to get my toddler a drink. My husband was transferring the holster my wallet and other items to a larger computer bag to see if it would work better for me. I come back in and he says "your all loaded up." I think he means he has transferred the contents of my purse to the bag and has put the unloaded gun back into my bag to try this draw out. The gun has been unloaded all night long with an empty cartridge and it was going in and out of new holsters--I think I have already saftey checked the thing four or five times.
He then says me a person is behind you and "tells you to go with him draw!" Trying to see if I could draw effectively from this bag--I draw and turn around gun outstretched at the wall (but still close for comfort) beside my husband and he says loudly "it is loaded!" WHAT!!!!!

Moral of the story---First and foremost! Never Never Never use a real gun even if you think you have saftey checked the thing 5 times over in any sort of even spur of the moment simulation. If you think for 2 seconds that you might want to do a simulation--get the 6 year old's plastic revolver from downstairs! Second--if you leave the room for any reason or the gun is out of your sight at all and someone even a person you trust 100% hands you a purse with a gun in it--even if you are 150% sure it is unloaded check it! Third if you are handing your beloved a bag with a gun in it and you have loaded it when she was out of the room, please say the words "The weapon in your bag is now loaded and has a bullet chambered." Finally if you hand a person a bag with a loaded gun in it do not ask them to practice a draw--they may not have heard/understood that the weapon is loaded! There can be no room for error with weapons. Terrifying to say the least--if I sleep at all tonight it will be a miracle.