What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?

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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by paulhailes »

Dave2 wrote:
paulhailes wrote:
TDDude wrote:Was watching an episode of "Flashpoint" on Netflix. In one of the earliest episodes, the blond sniper sits, waits, has the solution all with the bolt handle on the rifle in the up position.

Oh yah thats cause they are in Canada, they are just all kinds of confused up there. On the other hand I actually kinda like that show.
Ooooh... I hadn't thought about being in other countries. Maybe they're in Australia where everything is upside down, so it only looks like the bolt handle is up.
I also think its funny when they show the view through the scope and its some weak magnification and they are shooting at something a block or too away, but somehow they get head shots with it. :headscratch
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by OldCannon »

Steve133 wrote:
rm9792 wrote:
i8godzilla wrote:My biggest pet peeve--as has already been mentioned--is the lack of a need to reload.

There is a scene in Armageddon where the shuttle commander pulls out a gun. Although they were inside of the spacecraft, I would have liked to have seen how they would have portrayed the gun firing in zero gravity without oxygen.
What would the lack of oxygen matter? Should still fire.
I agree. Propellants used in ammunition contain an agent that produces oxygen when heated. My (admittedly somewhat dim) memories of long-ago basic chemistry and thermodynamics courses tell me that potassium nitrate serves this purpose in black powder; I've either forgotten or never knew what compound is used in smokeless powder. Point being that the energy supplied to ignite the propellant in the first place is also enough to start a reaction in the oxidizer that produces enough oxygen to support combustion of the other propellant components. So yeah, counterintuitive as it might seem, you can totally fire a gun in a vacuum.

The part that they usually leave out is that Newton's 3rd Law is a little more relevant when you're not rooted in place by gravity....
Yup. Self-contained oxidizers :coolgleamA: We need to have the Mythbusters team do something to prove this :)
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by surprise_i'm_armed »

One of my pet peeves is when a sniper is supposed to be getting the drop on someone and his rifle is totally
exposed, sticking out the window.

In real life "hides" our snipers are located further back in a room. They don't expose themselves by sticking the barrels out the windows.

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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by barres »

alvins wrote:its not a movie but i once watched an episode of cops with a cops 1911 pointed at the bad guy with the hammer down.id like me one of them double action 1911's.lol
So go buy a Para Ordinance LDA 1911. DA 1911's do exist.
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by thatguy »

my favorite is the Horatio Cain hype-flex, over the head, tilt the head, sun glasses on, sun glasses off, say something suave sight picture routine.
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by paulhailes »

Brian Mobley wrote:my favorite is the Horatio Cain hype-flex, over the head, tilt the head, sun glasses on, sun glasses off, say something suave sight picture routine.
I can not stand that show, and its mainly because of him.
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by TDDude »

paulhailes wrote: Oh yah thats cause they are in Canada, they are just all kinds of confused up there. On the other hand I actually kinda like that show.
I'm with you. I really like the show as well. The format of starting with the "penultimate" scene, then backtracking and concentrating on what lead to the conflict is very cool, very different. I like it.

I can overlook the gun SNAFUS cause they're pretty pervasive no matter what the show.

I like to use scenes like that with my kids and make them tell me what’s wrong with it. I consider it part of firearms training. Being able to tell what’s wrong or “why that won’t work” on TV shows and movies is a game they love to play.

So far there’s only been one movie, that I know of at least, where the gun handling is correct but it’s R rated and my kids shouldn’t be watching those yet. That movie being Collateral.
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by TDDude »

paulhailes wrote:
Brian Mobley wrote:my favorite is the Horatio Cain hype-flex, over the head, tilt the head, sun glasses on, sun glasses off, say something suave sight picture routine.
I can not stand that show, and its mainly because of him.
Not only that, it's yellow. The entire show has a "yellow" tint to it and I hate yellow.
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by Katygunnut »

Wysiwyg101 wrote:I had just gotten out of basic training and went to the movies where an M72 LAW was used against a helicopter (successfully I might add). The guy steps out of the elevator building on the roof and takes one step to the left, kneels down, takes aim and fires. The wall of the elevator building was right behind him. With the barrel pointed up at an angle that means the backblast would have been aimed right into the corner behind him therefore being reflected back onto him within a millisecond of firing. From what they told us during basic, always check to make sure the backblast isn't going to fry someone directly behind you or be reflected back onto you.

Something that always bothered me is when they do run out of rounds, sometimes they then throw the gun at the other shooter?
Same thing in "Rambo - First Blood Part 2"

Stalone fires a LAW while he is seated in the pilot seat of a helicopter. No damaage to the group of American POW's that are right behind him.
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by Pawpaw »

barres wrote:
alvins wrote:its not a movie but i once watched an episode of cops with a cops 1911 pointed at the bad guy with the hammer down.id like me one of them double action 1911's.lol
So go buy a Para Ordinance LDA 1911. DA 1911's do exist.
Or modify any 1911: http://www.cylinder-slide.com/sfssystem.shtml

It's just not for me. :nono:
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by dicion »

That the ignorant public actually believes all these things about guns portrayed in movies, and it gives them, and us, a bad rap for it sometimes.
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by SQLGeek »

dicion wrote:That the ignorant public actually believes all these things about guns portrayed in movies, and it gives them, and us, a bad rap for it sometimes.
You mean like evils of black talons, dum dums, cop killer bullets, full auto Glocks you can buy online, etc?

Don't even get me started on how movies and TV shows treat computers as magical talismans with their database of everthing..... :grumble
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by jmorris »

CEOofEVIL wrote:....

I've actually been watching Flashpoint a lot recently and while I do love that show, there is one thing that always bothers me. The officers that carry MP5's never shoulder them correctly - they always have something like the lower 1/4 of the stock actually resting near the top of their shoulder O.o

You mean like some of these guys?

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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by clarionite »

sookandy wrote:Ok maybe a bit off topic but, grenades. Why is it every grenade explosion is a big huge fireball? Never any shrapnel or concussion. It's always the fireball that makes them dead.
Or a grenade going off near someone and tossing them in the air...
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Re: What are your movie pet peeves re: guns?


Post by MasterOfNone »

The A-Team. Everything they ever did.
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