I am quoting this newspaper story under fair use (I hope):
The estranged husband killed his wife, their two children, and himself Monday. The police responded within minutes—too late to do anything but process the crime scene.Amy Lake’s actions over the past year followed almost perfectly the advice given to thousands of domestic violence victims throughout Maine and beyond. When Steven Lake held his family at gunpoint one year ago, Amy Lake reported the incident to police and then filed for a protection from abuse order against him. She moved herself and the couple’s children, Coty and Monica, out of the family home in Wellington and into a rented house in Dexter. She requested and received around-the-clock patrols in her neighborhood from the Dexter Police Department. She told friends and co-workers about the situation and asked them to contact authorities if they noticed anything amiss.
http://bangordailynews.com/2011/06/14/n ... -shooting/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Jim