So, I had her pull into the HEB parking lot, put it in park, roll down her window, and turn the cabin light on. I told her to keep her hands on the wheel so the officer could see them, but as I was in the passenger seat (and of course was the only one carrying) I didn't know what to do with my hands. So I just kind left them on the top of my legs awkwardly.
He said he pulled us over for going 31 in a 20. He first took her permit and our insurance and then eventually asked for my ID as well. I handed my TDL and CHL over, he asked if I had the weapon on me to which I replied "Yes sir, I do". And that was about it.
He went to his car and came back and told her to take it slow and said "It's not always a good idea to go with the flow of traffic" - which she had been doing. I told him that I take responsibility because I should have been watching her speed better. He said it's not easy to see the speed from the passenger seat. I thanked him and told him it was a good lesson for both of us.
Great encounter and great learning opportunity ...
(Edited incorrect speed ...)