Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP

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Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by speedsix »

...I've read that this is a very effective a box of 50 and that too hot for a Ruger P95??? I also got a coupla boxes of Golden Saber 124gr...not +P...don't want to shoot the gun loose...anyone shoot the Rangers in a polymer gun a lot???

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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by cajunautoxer »

I've shot around 2-3k rounds of +p+ thru my 2 XDs and PPS with no problem at all. Actuallly I have another 5 cases comming I'm soon:)
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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by ELB »

My 2 cents:

Last weekend I went to Sonny Puzika's AK course near Austin. He made a statement about our rifles that I think is applicable to all serious (i.e. used to defend our lives) guns -- "Your rifle belongs to you. You do not belong to your rifle." He first brought this up when we were dumping our rifles in the dirt after encountering a malfunction that wasn't resolved by immediate malf drills. In other words, don't love your gun so much that you jeopardize your life to keep from scratching your gun.

Substitute handgun, shotgun, ninja star, knife, etc, as appropriate.

Extrapolating a bit, if Ranger 127 +P+ is what you think you need for self-defense, shoot it. If your gun loosens up, get it fixed or buy another (better) gun. Prioritze self over gun.

BTW, I use the same round in my BHP. Which of course is all steel. But Glocks seem to run just fine on RA9T as well.
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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by stroo »

Ruger P95s are built like tanks. Yours should be able to handle this round.

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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by speedsix »

...thanks for all the experiences...gonna get loud 'round here...and I'm looking for a twin for the P95 anyways...

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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by HankB »

ELB wrote: . . . BTW, I use the same round in my BHP. Which of course is all steel. But Glocks seem to run just fine on RA9T as well.
A few years back, an American Rifleman article mentioned that Browning fired 5000 rounds of Remington +P+ 9mm in a BHP with no ill effects. I don't remember whether or not this was with the older frame or the new (and stronger) cast frame, nor do I remember if the improved heat treat on the slide had been instituted yet - maybe Stephen Camp could shed some light on this. (He's got his own section in these forums.)
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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by CC Italian »

I am thinking the same thing. Next two pistols I get will be Ruger P series, one in 9mm and another in .45 acp. You can get two slightly used P95s cheaper then a new Glock 17, S&W etc. Ruger P series have to be the best bang for your buck out of any semi auto. As for the +P+ I would run it through my Rugers before my Glocks. Rugers really are tanks IMO and not over built but they have to be one of the heaviest with the thickest slides of a modern polymer gun. In fact they always feel a little top heavy to me because the slide is so heavy. I don't shoot +P+ in any of my 9mms, nor do any manufacturers recommend it but if I did the P95 would be on the top of my list for a polymer gun.

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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by speedsix »

...been carrying the P90 and P97 for years...had the P95 but don't carry it much...looking to carry it for backup...I agree...the used market and I prefer decockers...have 2 stainless P90D and 2 P97DC...great guns and I'm sure the P95D will measure up, too...they all conceal IWB and carry comfortably at 11,12, or 1 o'clock all day...

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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by LeonCarr »

IMO it is the best self defense ammo available for the 9mm, with some lots approaching .357 Sig ballistics (127 grain bullet going over 1300 fps)

Good stuff.

Just my .02,
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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by Heartland Patriot »

"The Ruger P-Series pistols are compatible with all factory ammunition loaded to
U.S. Industry Standards, including high-velocity and hollow-point loads, loaded
in brass, aluminum, or steel cartridge cases. No 9mm x 19 ammunition
manufactured in accordance with NATO, U.S., SAAMI, or CIP standards is known
to be beyond the design limits or known not to function in these pistols."

The statement above is a quote from the Ruger manual for the P95 Manual Safety model...I'm pretty sure the other P95 types' manuals contain the same statement. Not sure how +P+ stacks up against those standards, but I figured I could at least let you know what the manufacturer said about it. BTW, I have an old P89 (manual has same statement) and it will crank through any 9mm you'd want to put in long it would take to damage the pistol with ammo meant to be hot enough for sub-machineguns is anyone's guess...but I guess it would take a LONG time. Disclaimer: IANAL, IANAG (gunsmith) and YMMV.

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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by speedsix »

...thanks for that...bought it from a 'hood pawn shop a few years back with only one 10-round clip and no box or papers...have since bought some 15-rounders...guess I oughta call for a manual...though I'm lousy with P90 and P97 manuals...glad to know I'm not abusing my pistola!!! :tiphat:
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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by Pawpaw »

speedsix wrote:...thanks for that...bought it from a 'hood pawn shop a few years back with only one 10-round clip and no box or papers...have since bought some 15-rounders...guess I oughta call for a manual...though I'm lousy with P90 and P97 manuals...glad to know I'm not abusing my pistola!!! :tiphat:
You can download manuals here.
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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by Greybeard »

Details from what Leon said about one lot from 4-25-06 chrono work in DCSA "laboratory" ;-)
Winchester Ranger 127g 9mm +P+
Glock 26 Avg. fps: 1268,
Glock 17 Avg. fps 1372 fps, E.S.:18, S.D.: 7

I keep grab-and-go-mags for XD-9M loaded with it.
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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by Stephen A. Camp »

Hello. I have little doubt that the warmer loads, be they +P or +P+ will cause more wear per shot than ammunition loaded to lower pressure levels. That said, I've shot several thousand rounds of both +P and +P+ through my (cast frame ) Mk III Hi Powers with no problems. I use an 18.5-lb recoil spring and a buffer (Buffer Technology) on the range, but many shooters do not, citing possible reliability issues. I have not seen them so I do use the buffer since I shoot quite a bit of warmer-loaded 9mm ammunition. You decide what is best for you. I emphatically will continue using the 18.5-lb recoil spring in my 9mm Hi Powers.

I have not personally seen the 127-gr. +P+ used on anyone, but have seen it used on animals and talked with police officers who have witnessed it in the field. From my own informal "tests" and observations on various animals and from what I've been told and have read, the load is a good one, perhaps one of the best in this caliber. It garners positive comments from most serious researchers in the field of terminal ballistics. It has proven both reliable and accurate in my Hi Powers, CZ75's, Glocks, FN's and two Beretta PX4 pistols.

Though it is a favorite load of mine, I would not feel less "balistically potent" using Speer 124-gr. +P or even standard pressure loads in this weight simply because I think placement remains the primary determinant of "stopping power", ie: a well-placed shot with a "good" load is probably going to come closer to achieving the desired result than a poorly placed shot with a "better" load in the same caliber.

In short, I really like the 127-gr. +P+. My PX4 is loaded with it as this is being written.

If interested, here are some average velocities based on 10 shots fired 10' from the chronograph screen.

Browning Mk III Hi Power: 1269 ft/sec, SD: 11 ft/sec

Glock 17: 1288, SD: 7

CZ75: 1285, SD: 29

Taurus PT92: 1292, SD: 11

FNP: 1248, SD: 13

SIG-SAUER P225: 1215, 14

Springfield Armory XD9: 1257, SD: 11

STI Trojan Long Slide (6"): 1296, SD: 9

Glock 26: 1246, SD: 13

Best and good shooting.

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Re: Winchester Ranger 127gr. +P+ JHP


Post by hirundo82 »

Pawpaw wrote:You can download manuals here.
Or here for virtually any gun you can think of.
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