False accusation...

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Re: False accusation...


Post by RottenApple »

zero4o3 wrote:not any that I have ever been on :tiphat: guess maybe if he was on a gold wing.....
Here ya go: http://tinyurl.com/5ugvaft ;-)

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Re: False accusation...


Post by zero4o3 »

RottenApple wrote:
zero4o3 wrote:not any that I have ever been on :tiphat: guess maybe if he was on a gold wing.....
Here ya go: http://tinyurl.com/5ugvaft ;-)
an aftermarket throttle lock is not "motorcycles having cruise control for decades." but nice attempt at being clever, infact its not motorcycles having cruise control at all

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Re: False accusation...


Post by Seabear »

Here is an update ...

He was released after 28 hours in jail, and they still have his pistol. Here is his statement. It's long but will give us a better idea how this went down.


I (G A) rode down to San Antonio to look at a truck on 22 October 2010. I was to meet the guy on the north side of town and I was going to follow him to the car lot. When I got there I had forgotten to take the mans phone number and waited for about an hour and half to two hours. He never called and did not show. I started back home at about 2pm.
I stopped at a gas station just North of San Marcus to fill up at about 2:45 or 3pm. Somewhere just south of Austin traffic started to slow down. By the time I got into southern Austin it was moving at about 10-25 mph. This went on most of the way until I got to about 51st then it was stop and go.
Sometime after that a young white women driving a black Volvo SUV swerved into my lane missing me no more than a foot going from right to left. The highway was 4 lanes at that time. She was in the right center lane and me in the left center lane. When she swerved in front of me she narrowly missed a small yellow car in front of her that the driver yelled and gave her the finger. I swerved left to keep from being hit and almost hit a dark blue truck in the inside left lane and he swerved to keep me from hitting him.
The black Volvo was able to make it to the inside left lane and made it about another 100-150 feet when her lane came to a stop. The inside left lane that I was in was still moving and allowed me to catch up to her. I tried to yell but had to spit my gum out to do it and then I yelled " Watch were the hell you're going, you damn near hit me back there" Evidently she isn't accustom to being talked to like that because she had a look of shock on her face. Then it looked like she got mad.
There wasn't any more contact with her for several miles. I did see her come up on my right side; she stayed there for about a mile or two. I was still in the inside left lane and she was in the fare right lane. I kept my eye on her because I didn't want to get run over. She missed me once; I didn't want to give her a second chance. I lost her after that.
I know I was north of George Town when I saw a police car behind me with his overheads on. I pulled over and saw I had three George Town police cars stopped with guns drawn on me. I ask what's going on. They just wanted me to turn around and get on my knees which I did. I identified myself as having a Concealed Handgun License carry and was carrying. Their reply was, "We know". I asked "how"? I got no reply. The second police officer, a young Hispanic, removed my handgun from the small of my back which was under my jacket and shirt tail. He had a hard time getting to it because he nearly knocked me over when he tried to pull it out. I told him there "wasn't a round in the chamber". I kept trying to tell them my CHL was in my wallet. I must have told them 5 or 6 times before they looked in my wallet and found it.
I was asked to sit in the back of one of the police cars. The door was left open and my feet outside the car. That is when I was asked if I knew why I was pulled over? I didn't. They asked if I remembered any confrontation and I said I had yelled at a women that had almost run into me but that was it. They asked if I had threatened her with my pistol. I said "Hell no". "That would be stupid". "Why would I do that"?
I was told they had her in a parking lot and she was talking to a police officer. She told the officer I was brandishing the pistol in a threatening manner. I tried to tell the police officers that that would be impossible because you HAVE to use BOTH hands to ride a bike in stop and go traffic. The clutch is on the left handle bar and the break and accelerator is on the right handle bar. I would not be able to pull my pistol. If I had the bike would have stalled.
I was talking with the Hispanic officer while the white officer was sitting in his police car. I asked what was going to happen and he told me I would probably be let go just to wait and be patient they was still talking to the lady in the Volvo. I must have been there for at least 20 minutes talking to the Hispanic officer when the white officer told me he was talking me in. He said "Now we have another ARMED BIKER off the road". I told him again I had my CHL. He said he didn't care.
The next 28 hours was spent in the Williamson County Jail. When I got to the jail the Hispanic officer said he normally would not do this but he would like for me to give him M's(my wife) phone number so he could call her that way she would not worry. He also apologized and said he was sorry for all this trouble, he would have let me go but it wasn't his call. The other officer was just mean and had something to prove and I had caught him in a bad mood.
As I was getting processed in a Sgt. Lee (I think that is his name) looked at the charge on the paper and asked what had happened. I told him the story and he said I didn't belong there. The story was also repeated to the female jailer as she was inputting my information into the computer and to the night Sgt. when he finger printed me. They all said I shouldn't be there. The next morning the magistrate that was to set bail also apologized and said he didn't understand why I was there.
The whole time I was there I heard the jailers and magistrate call the other people (inmates) by either the last name or their first and last name. I was called Mr. Abendschein by everyone the whole time I was there. Even the other inmates treated me differently. It was as if everyone knew I did not belong. All but the arresting officer. I believe his last name is Robbins. Badge #2639
While M was waiting for me to come out the ladies that work up front at the Williamson County Jail even said we didn't look like we belonged. We didn't dress that part. You can ask M what all they talked about.

This County Attorney needs to know I am not a bad guy. I coached both my sons little league teams. I was one of the Texas Junior Rifle Teams coaches. I had been a firing line safety officer for the team during some of the local competitions. I have a security clearance and would not jeopardize it. I can't get military contracts without it. I would never be able to work on any aircraft if I lost my clearance. I have done 2 tours over in the Middle East, honorably discharged from the Army, a 32' Mason and was an officer in my Lodge. I am an active member of the Patriot Guard and have been on 5 missions with then to date. I had never been in trouble with the law other than traffic tickets and I can't remember the last time I had received one, but it has been many years.

Any help would be appreciated.

This statement is true and accurate to the best of my memory.
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Re: False accusation...


Post by kjolly »

At the point where the vehicles separated if I was him I would have considered the situation resolved. Would not have wasted the effort shouting at her anyway. Not having brandished the gun the only excuse to call 911 (which is difficult from a motorcycle) would be to report her reckless driving and in most cases that I remain unscather just shrug it off and figure they are their own worse problems and not likely to live very long anyhow.

I had a friend who was riding a motorcycle when a car with out of state license plates threw out some McDonalds trash that hit him in the face. He stopped collected the litter and at the next red light threw it back into their car and told them not to mess with Texas. This guy while if you know him is really nice but on a bike he looks VERY intimidating.
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Re: False accusation...


Post by RiverCity.45 »

I'm unclear about how the other driver happened to know he had :headscratch a gun.
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Re: False accusation...


Post by SewTexas »

we lived in G'town for a long time until about 5 years ago.

first....are you dealing with DA John Bradley? or one of his assistants? Bradley is a fair guy, at least he was, a man of strong Christian faith. His assistants, however, who knows, they will be driven by other motives...ambitions. I would trust him...and I don't say that lightly about DA's, esp in Williamson Co., sorry.

next....Robbins....dang, that name sounds familiar. Can't place it. Sounds like he has an ax to grind though. Strange behavior.

let me ponder and see if I can come up with why Robbins strikes a bell and maybe I'll come up with something else that might help.
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Re: False accusation...


Post by Seabear »

RiverCity.45 wrote:I'm unclear about how the other driver happened to know he had :headscratch a gun.
She didn't it was a guess.

That's the point to ponder. With over 600,000 CHL's the odds of somebody having one, especially a middle aged male biker, are pretty high. That's why I am considering duracoating in some wild color so if this was to happen all it would take would be to ask her what color the gun was. Odds are she would say black, stainless, but not green or purple etc.

He's still in a world of hurt. I agree he should have left her alone, however I have done the same thing a couple times when I used to ride.

Now, what can we do to help?
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Re: False accusation...


Post by Beiruty »

Were the charges dropped or is he out on bail? It is bit crazy to pull out a pistol while riding a motorcycle and more crazy to holstered back in SOB :headscratch
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Re: False accusation...


Post by Seabear »

Charges have not been dropped yet.

He rides a Beemer, couldn't look that tough. LOL
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Re: False accusation...


Post by C-dub »

AndyC wrote:
RiverCity.45 wrote:I'm unclear about how the other driver happened to know he had :headscratch a gun.
SOB holster, perhaps?
...removed my handgun from the small of my back
I've seen a number of motorcyclists' pistols displayed when their jacket rises because of their outstretched arms.
:iagree: Andy beat me to it. She probably saw it and either got scared at the sight of it or thought of a way she could get rid of another motorcycle rider by letting the police take care of him.
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Re: False accusation...


Post by Seabear »

AndyC wrote:The latter would be my guess - darn, I sure hate people who are mean-spirited enough to lie just to "get" the person.

Obviously, the same problem could crop up if we ever get open-carry in Texas.
That's one of the reasons why mine will stay concealed.
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Re: False accusation...


Post by steveincowtown »

AndyC wrote:Obviously, the same problem could crop up if we ever get open-carry in Texas.
If the problem did arise it would only affect those who chose to open carry, so don't panic fellow CHL'ers!

The wind is a funny thing. When riding my MC I have had it do everything from expose my weapon by my shirt blowing up, to printing really, really, bad in a cross wind. I am sure this could have been the case.
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Re: False accusation...


Post by 40khammer »

This is actually one of the reasons I carry 2 toned guns. (also because I like the way they look.)

If somebody wants to make a baseless claim that I "waved a gun at them" I predict that most people that are unfamiliar with firearms are going to describe it as a "black gun" Every gun I own except for one(that is way too big to carry) is either 2 toned or stainless. While that wouldn't win the case for me, it would probably help.
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