I was speaking to a deputy last February and told him I was thinking of buying a gun. He fully encouraged me to do so and asked me if I carried in my vehicle. I told him I did not know I could. He looked at me like I was midly stupid. I then asked if it had to be unloaded and he almost stroked. No, he said, it needs to be loaded with one in the chamber. Can I keep it within reaching distance, or would that get me in trouble? Once again, the apoplectic look.
I went out the next day and bought my XDM 4.5" .45, my XDm 3.8" 9mm compact two weeks later, and my Kahr PM9 two weeks after that. I bought several books, joined sites like this one, watched people like Hickok45, SafeArmsReview and Nutnfancy on YouTube, and I learned all I could. Practiced dry fire with snap caps, ordered my first CrossBreed holster, then my second. Took the class and joined the multitudes of anxious waiters. (It should be in my mailbox today or Monday)
In other words, my life pretty much changed over the period of three months. I went from a sheep to a sheepdog-in-training. My psychological makeup underwent, and is still undergoing, changes to accomodate this way of thinking. I started walking several miles, several times a week. Getting back on my bike. Went on a diet with hopes of losing about 50 pounds. Sticking to it too! I purchased some close combat training videos since close up contact may be the first step of any conflict I would get into.
I started buying EDC gear. A nice Kershaw Tanto blade, a StreamLIght 180 lumen light, my Juice Leatherman. Looking at creating my BOB bags. Salivating over several rifles and shotguns, other blades, lights, clothing and miscellaneous accessories. Gotta get the first aid kits together. With my ER experience, I can add suturing supplies and minor surgery items. I spent 1.5 years in the ER after graduating Nurse Prac school, and my techniques are pretty good.
Oh, yeah...my clothing style changed. I went from being a t-shirt guy to a button shirt, or snap shirt kind of guy. I am 6' 1.5 inches in height and 265 pounds. I make sure I get the XXL "tall" shirts that comfortably cover what needs to be covered. Ordered a nice belt to support my holster, but don't like how thin it is. Going to order another since I am firmly convinced it will make a difference.
Bought a touchpad safe for the living room and a biometric safe for the bedroom
Oh, yes! I joined the NRA, and contribute to the NRA-ILA. If you don't do this, you shouldn't be allowed to carry...IMHO (Of course, the NRA lawyers would prove me wrong

So, all of this was the result of my LEO encounter with a good man who believes the citizens should be armed at all times. What a ride the last three months have been! I truly feel like a different man.
Who were you before starting this journey...who are you now?
Thanks for reading this,