Alcohol and Guns

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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by HankB »

Since the guy was arrested for public intoxication, I suspect he'd consumed more than a single beer . . . probably a lot more. (Surprised the guy & his father stuck around for the police to arrive and make the arrest.)

I've written before that drunks and guns don't mix any better than drunks and driving . . . but a generation or two back, bullseye shooters - including some of the best - used to have a shot of whiskey before a match to "steady the nerves." The mild depressant effect of a single shot of booze seemed to improve performance. (No idea if it was ever tested scientifically.)
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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by MoJo »

XinTX wrote:Don't know if lead is the problem, but something had apparently impacted that kids IQ.
The grapefruit don't fall far from the plum tree. Or, somthin like that. Shallow polluted end of gene pool?
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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by WildBill »

HankB wrote:. . . a generation or two back, bullseye shooters - including some of the best - used to have a shot of whiskey before a match to "steady the nerves." The mild depressant effect of a single shot of booze seemed to improve performance. (No idea if it was ever tested scientifically.)
For the overall good of scientific research, under the proper conditions, I would volunteer for a "controlled scientific study". :cheers2:
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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by Ameer »

himusarker wrote:I agree that alcohol and guns don’t mix. If you’re too sauced to drive a car, you’re too sauced to handle a firearm. But I think that many of the state restrictions designed to prevent this are silly. My prescription would be for states to make it unlawful to carry or use a firearm while intoxicated. I think that’s a pretty simple solution. It’s the same thing we use for cars, and operating a car and drinking is far more dangerous than carrying and drinking. :rules:
Is there any truth to the rumor that Lon Burnam has a bill to prohibit motor vehicles in parking lots of a business that has a permit or license issued under Chapter 25, 28, 32, or 69, Alcoholic Beverage Code, if the business derives 51 percent or more of its income from the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption.
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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by The Annoyed Man »

WildBill wrote:
HankB wrote:. . . a generation or two back, bullseye shooters - including some of the best - used to have a shot of whiskey before a match to "steady the nerves." The mild depressant effect of a single shot of booze seemed to improve performance. (No idea if it was ever tested scientifically.)
For the overall good of scientific research, under the proper conditions, I would volunteer for a "controlled scientific study". :cheers2:
Me too, but I doubt there'd be much control involved if we studied together. :anamatedbanana
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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by Oldgringo »

A couple of snorts after work doesn't hurt, does it? Ask this CHL what she

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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by Ameer »

Oldgringo wrote:A couple of snorts after work doesn't hurt, does it?
Is she a professional cowgirl?

The nurse was arrested for assaulting the cop with her car while drunk. Allegedly. Either way it's an important reminder not to drink and drive.

Here's another reminder that alcohol and cars don't mix." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by HankB »

Oldgringo wrote:A couple of snorts after work doesn't hurt, does it? Ask this CHL what she
The law doesn't prohibit carrying if you've been drinking, the law prohibits carrying if you're intoxicated - most folks understand there's a difference.

In this case, the woman's blood alcohol concentration tested out at 0.11 . . . in Texas, you're considered intoxicated at 0.08.

I know "a couple of snorts" wouldn't put me up to 0.08, but maybe she is very petite, maybe she had more than "a couple" of snorts, maybe the snorts were BIG snorts. But whatever the reason, that 0.11 BAC is going to be hard to defend once she makes it to court. (Especially since she crashed her car onto a cop.)
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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by jmra »

HankB wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:A couple of snorts after work doesn't hurt, does it? Ask this CHL what she
The law doesn't prohibit carrying if you've been drinking, the law prohibits carrying if you're intoxicated - most folks understand there's a difference.

In this case, the woman's blood alcohol concentration tested out at 0.11 . . . in Texas, you're considered intoxicated at 0.08.

I know "a couple of snorts" wouldn't put me up to 0.08, but maybe she is very petite, maybe she had more than "a couple" of snorts, maybe the snorts were BIG snorts. But whatever the reason, that 0.11 BAC is going to be hard to defend once she makes it to court. (Especially since she crashed her car onto a cop.)
Last time I read the regs it seems that I remember a very important word in the sentence that talks about BAC of .08 - the word is "or". Since the word "or" is used, everything before the word "or" is also very important.
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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by sjfcontrol »

Oldgringo wrote:A couple of snorts after work doesn't hurt, does it? Ask this CHL what she
If you're consuming your intoxicants via "snorts", it likely wouldn't show up on a BAC test, anyway. (But there are other tests that would find it.) :biggrinjester:
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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by Ameer »

sjfcontrol wrote:If you're consuming your intoxicants via "snorts", it likely wouldn't show up on a BAC test, anyway. (But there are other tests that would find it.) :biggrinjester:
Watch out for these guys.

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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by sjfcontrol »

No worries -- I don't live in Miami (or in the '80's, for that matter!) :smilelol5:
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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by Kimber_Fan »

I got a invite on FB the other day for happy hour at the range? Ummmm What? really? What are people thinking?


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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by stealthfightrf17 »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
WildBill wrote:
HankB wrote:. . . a generation or two back, bullseye shooters - including some of the best - used to have a shot of whiskey before a match to "steady the nerves." The mild depressant effect of a single shot of booze seemed to improve performance. (No idea if it was ever tested scientifically.)
For the overall good of scientific research, under the proper conditions, I would volunteer for a "controlled scientific study". :cheers2:
Me too, but I doubt there'd be much control involved if we studied together. :anamatedbanana
Before I stste this I am in NO WAY condoning drinking and guns. There is some truth that a shot will ease the nerves. Alcohol tends to act like a muscle relaxent, that is what gives the calming affect. realesticlly, if A shot imparies you, then you should not even be drinking EVER. Before anyone asks, NO I am not for drinking and gunsm just trying to bring the awareness why this works

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Re: Alcohol and Guns


Post by Gyrogearhead »

I only drink to calm myself,
my steadiness to improve.
Last night I got so steady
I couldn't even move!

Gerry :biggrinjester:
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