loadedliberal wrote:Come on folks I said if the birth certificate/ eligibly issues is an issue for you its because you're an idiot or racist. I stand by that. I said earlier there are many good and valid reason to criticize this President and this is not one of the. if you want to call him out on his economic policy or foreign policy I would be inclined to agree. I did not suggest any criticism of the president is race related, just on this particular issue I think it plays a large role. Name one President in the past 100 years who has had to deal with something like this for 2 1/2 years after it was legally settled.
You're misrepresenting the issue. It has
never been legally settled (meaning in a court of law.) It may have been settled in your mind, but it obviously hasn't been settled in others'. And to attribute that to racism is the worst kind of racism. You really should be ashamed of yourself for repeatedly making that statement and insisting it's one of the only two possibilities.
Some simple examples will suffice to disprove your allegation.
Some people believe (I believe rightly) that Obama is a marxist. Some of those that believe this are desperate to find any issue they can use to discredit him. It wouldn't matter if his skin was green. They would still push the birth certificate issue, because they honestly believe that's a way to defeat him politically. Remember there were people on the left who did the exact same thing to George Bush regarding the 9/11 conspiracy issue. Yet you would never accuse those people of racism
simply because Bush is white, yet that's the worst form of racism there is - to assume simply based on the color of man's skin what the motives of his opponents might be.
Some people push the birth certificate issue because they hate Democrats and will believe anything bad said about them. Obama is a Democrat, so he qualifies for their hatred list. It has absolutely nothing to do with the color of his skin.
You claim the proof was provided (you claim "legally settled") two and a half years ago.
Bush supporters claimed the exact same thing about the National Guard records. Yet that didn't stop his opponents from trying to use the issue against him. They too insisted that he had lied, that he hadn't released the official documents, that he was covering up something dark and sinister. That you can't see the parallels in those two clearly political issues says a great deal about your inability to look at issues dispassionately and with an open mind.
If you recall the coverage of the 2008 election, the media speculated openly about whether white voters could find it within themselves to vote for a black man. They actually were shocked when white independents and some conservatives voted for Obama. I found that speculation rather amusing. George Bush had more black people in important positions of authority than Bill Clinton did. Yet the media simply believe that conservatives cannot find it within themselves to treat black people as humans. Personally I would vote for Herman Cain in a heartbeat. Not because he's black (because I don't care about that) but because he "gets it".
Your distorted view of racism is a product of hanging out in places like Huffington Post where that sort of thing is believed and spouted as fact without the slightest bit of supporting evidence.