Grapevine PD

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Grapevine PD


Post by PappaGun »

This is why I have mt DL and CHL taped together at the top like a hinge. They have to go out together and come back together or not at all.
Yeah, sometimes I give my CHL to some one when I really don't have to when my DL is requested (like the TSA). But it prevents
such a situation.

I once gave an officer my DL when he pulled me over for some thing traffic related. Another state and no CHL, but I realized the next morning that I did not have my DL. I contacted the officer and he searched his car and said sorry, he didn't have it.
I was sure he had to. Where else could it be. When he handed me my warning, I assumed it was with the paperwork but did not check for it when I threw it all on the seat and went home. This was at about 11 pm.

I went to where I was pulled over the next day and searched the road side to no avail.

About 3 days later it showed up in an envelope in my mailbox

I have no idea who sent it. No return address.

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Re: Grapevine PD


Post by Keith B »

PappaGun wrote: About 3 days later it showed up in an envelope in my mailbox

I have no idea who sent it. No return address.

I'll bet that nice officer went back and searched for it before you did and found it for you. ;-)

Well, it's a theory anyway. :lol:
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Re: Grapevine PD


Post by HotLeadSolutions »

Any luck on finding your CHL?
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Re: Grapevine PD


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Beiruty wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:I live in Grapevine, and I find the local PD to be fairly responsive. I would begin by phoning the police department and explain what happened. They will have a record of the responding officers, and which vehicles were checked out to them for that shift.

It is entirely possible that the officer in question honestly believed that you had only given him one ID and he accidentally dropped the other under his seat or something. It is difficult to imagine that a GPD officer would deliberately confiscate your CHL without telling you.

If you don't get a positive response, then I would write a letter to the chief of the GPD and make a formal complaint.

BIG CAVEAT: For the purpose of both the phone call AND the letter, YOU WERE NOT ARMED AT THE TIME OF THE ENCOUNTER. Otherwise, they might try to hang a charge on you of carrying without your license. Tell them that you handed over both IDs as a courtesy, even though you weren't carrying at the time, because you figured it would come up when they ran your license anyway.

If you do not get satisfaction, then drop the matter and simply report the license to the DPS as lost and ask for a new one. There might be some small cost involved (I'm not knowledgeable enough to say one way or the other), but that would be considerably less than the cost (financial and otherwise) of trying to force the GPD to come up with your lost license.
he was in his car, no need for CHL under MPA. Armed or not at the time of accident should not matter.
I'm not entirely confident of that. I don't think that you can claim MPA to carry in your car if you have a CHL. IANAL, but I seem to remember hearing that somewhere. The OP has a CHL. He is trying to recover his CHL. Why risk placing himself in a compromising position?
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Re: Grapevine PD


Post by tacticool »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
he was in his car, no need for CHL under MPA. Armed or not at the time of accident should not matter.
I'm not entirely confident of that. I don't think that you can claim MPA to carry in your car if you have a CHL. IANAL, but I seem to remember hearing that somewhere.
Care to say where? Or a reference to a law or court decision? :headscratch

I'll go first. Reading Chapter 46, I see the following:
  1. If someone is exempt from 46.02 (because of 46.15 or another reason) then 46.02 doesn't apply.
    If 46.02 doesn't apply, I don't see how they can be guilty of UCW.
  2. On the other hand, if 46.02 applies, then the whole thing applies. Including MPA.
    Nothing in the MPA language in 46.02 denies the protection to someone who has been issued a CHL (but doesn't have it in their possession) unless this forum is a criminal street gang, as defined by Section 71.01. "rlol"
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Re: Grapevine PD


Post by bci21984 »

call the grapevine PD main number and ask to speak to someone in "property".

many many times, officers (my self included) forget to hand back an ID and the next officer driving the car or whoever finds it just turns it into the property division.

several times i havent noticed the DL clipped to my shirt pocket under my handcuff key clip until some time later.
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Re: Grapevine PD


Post by jimlongley »

Not PD related, but having been in several hospitals and medical facilities lately I find their insistance on copying DL and insurance cards a little disturbing.

Most recently I was going in for surgery and the young lady at the reception desk asked for my cards, and then stood up and walked away with them.

I told her she was not going to leave my sight with my cards and she got pretty defensive right away: "You HAVE to understand . . .It's policy, I MUST make a copy" and other stuff. I told her that was fine and dandy, but she HAD to understand that my policy was not to allow my cards out of my sight, and that if she wanted me to accompany her to wherever she was going with my cards, that would be fine. She eventually relented and blocked the door to the room with the copy machine open so I could see her.

Then when she returned she did not immediately hand them back to me, but paper clipped them to my file folder. She started to give me flack when I asked for them back, but then did so, stating the the next person would be needing to see them. I told her that the next person could ask for them and I would present them, but that since she had just placed copies of them in the file there was no need for them to be attached.

Previous visit to a different facility a few months back, the girl asked if she could "see" them, and then tried to take them out of my hand, and I gave her flack for trying to take them when all she wasked was to see them, did she see with her fingers?

All of this was enendered by a hospitalization a while back, where they asked to "see" my cards, and then took them, out of my sight, elsewhere to be copied. In the meantime the triage nurse saw me, and I was placed on a gurney and moved to a room.

When I started asking for my license and insurance card back they first denied having taken them, and then said they had returned them, and then they couldn't find them. They had been left on the copy machine and the next person to use it had taken them off and put them somewhere.

It took more than an hour, and yelling at administrators to even get someone to look for them, while they told me it was no big deal and that they would give me a note to present to the police if I was stopped with no license. The person who took them had gone off shift and I eventually badgered them into calling her at home. and she was sure se returned them to me.

When they were found, even while another administrator denied that they had them, they were on the desk of the person who had left, under a file for a different patient, a fact that the person who found them was trying to communicate to the administrator who was denying that they had them, without me overhearing.

I did overhear and I told them that that would have been the first place I would have looked after the copy machine and that they were incompetent.
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Re: Grapevine PD


Post by PappaGun »

RE: jimlongley

The attitude displayed in your situations has fascinated me for a long time.

Individuals seem to want privacy, but don't act that way with other people's private information.

The hypocrisy screams.

I would bet that if you spoke to all involved in those situations, one of them or some one they know
has been the victim of identity theft and they fail to see the connection.

I like your soulution.
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Re: Grapevine PD


Post by pnctar »

Unfortunately, I was ticketed for speeding in Grand Prairie last September. The officer asked for my ID and said that the insurance card wasn't needed because he had already looked it up (work truck). I handed him my DL and CHL. He looked at the CHL, compared it to my DL and returned my CHL. He didn't ask if I was carrying or anything else, just "Thank you". Returned to his car, did the paperwork and returned for my signature.

Didn't like getting a ticket (first one in over 20 yrs) but, was very impressed with the way he presented himself, his professioanlism and courtesy.
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Re: Grapevine PD


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

pnctar wrote:Unfortunately, I was ticketed for speeding in Grand Prairie last September. The officer asked for my ID and said that the insurance card wasn't needed because he had already looked it up (work truck). I handed him my DL and CHL. He looked at the CHL, compared it to my DL and returned my CHL. He didn't ask if I was carrying or anything else, just "Thank you". Returned to his car, did the paperwork and returned for my signature.

Didn't like getting a ticket (first one in over 20 yrs) but, was very impressed with the way he presented himself, his professioanlism and courtesy.
I had dealings with GPPD back in 2006 when woman in a Medium size Japanese made car ran a red light while I was turning left. She went to the hospital. Her vehicle ricocheted about 40 feet off of my suburban at a 90˚ angle to her previous direction of travel.

Two officers made the scene. Both were pretty professional, but one did not like my refusal to have my vehicle pushed out of the way until the fender could be pried off of the right front tire. He also wasn't happy with me carrying, but he took zero action about that other than a facial expression. Other than the other driver not having insurance, and me getting to work late that day, it was not a bad interaction. :coolgleamA:
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