Where to start....well I went to Austin to make a trade with an Austinite of my Yugo Underfolder for some silver bullion. My GF lives there and suckered me into going along with her to do the "Warrior Dash" in Conroe and spend the night before camping in Sam Houston park. OK, sounds like fun. She is very outdoorsy, but also a bit absent minded so we ended up at the campsite at dark....with no headlamps....and no hatchet...among many other missing handy camping equipment she forgot. Luckily, the site we picked had a smoldering stump and decent sized log still burning. So we proceeded to get the low hanging fruit of breakable limps and such. Anyway, she find 3, 3 ft. pieces of termite riddled wood so I toss them on to keep this fire going. As luck would have it, a federal officer cruised by our whole section and on his way back decided to stop and have a word.
From what I recall, the officer asked if we started the fire and told him about the initial stump. He said that having a fire was fine but there was a burn ban in effect and that we need to keep it manageable (of course, he came up right as those logs
really started to get going). I said I wasn't aware of the burn ban but we will keep it manageable. He continued telling us about some incidences of campers recently not putting out their fires and causing some small forest fires and asked about water for putting it out which, luckily, we had about 4 gallons of so I reassured him that the site would be in better condition than what we found it in. Then the question..."do y'all have any firearms with you tonight?"
Yes, sir. I have my CHL.
"Where is your firearm it located?"
Right front pocket. Is there an issue?
"Oh, no not at all. Do you mind if I see it?"
No problem. Do you want
me to retrieve it?
"Yes, thats fine."
I handed him my KelTec P3AT muzzle down in the Nemesis holster. He partially withdrew it and goes "Ahhhh a KelTec! Do you have any problems with reliability with yours?"

Just made me smile because I knew right then this was an officer who knows that many of us CHLers know and appreciate our guns! For about the next 10 minutes we had shop talk on hardware and told me about his P3AT being problematic so he shelved it and carries a Glock 27 as a backup now

. Told him that if he cared to go through the trouble KelTec might be willing to do a "fluff and buff" but at the very least correct whatever was causing his jam. He also mentioned that the FBI was sending him to sniper school and details about that....and then I wondered why a park ranger, even federal, needs to go to sniper school??? Anyway, about midway through he asked if he could store my gun in the glove box of my GFs truck and I said sure. He informed us he was going to run our IDs and just to give him a moment so we went back to grilling hot dogs. He came back, said everything checked out (to no surprise) and then gave us the location of some other primitive camping sites and some interesting back story on them. To date, the second best LEO contact ever and he was nothing but courteous, polite, and, most importantly, treated us like people and not "suspects". He even gave us his card in case we needed any additional details and wrote down the name of the other camp site for us. He bid us a good night, and after that it was all hot dogs and smores from there!
The Warrior Dash was
way more brutal than that encounter!