1/2 of Police Force in Camden NJ to let go!

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Re: 1/2 of Police Force in Camden NJ to let go!


Post by Poldark »

Interesting demographics and only 19% voter turnout, great advertisment for one party rule,really very sad and a tragic waste of human resources. The ultimate result of the Nanny state, all hope gone ?

Dana Redd is the Mayor of Camden. She is a member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition,[24] a bi-partisan group with a stated goal of "making the public safer by getting illegal guns off the streets." The Coalition is co-chaired by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Looks like this is working out really well for Camden?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camden,_New_Jersey" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Proviso: I am married to a NJ girl (Matawan), tough job but someone had to do it :thumbs2:
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Re: 1/2 of Police Force in Camden NJ to let go!


Post by chasfm11 »

Poldark wrote:Interesting demographics and only 19% voter turnout, great advertisment for one party rule,really very sad and a tragic waste of human resources. The ultimate result of the Nanny state, all hope gone ?

Dana Redd is the Mayor of Camden. She is a member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition,[24] a bi-partisan group with a stated goal of "making the public safer by getting illegal guns off the streets." The Coalition is co-chaired by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Looks like this is working out really well for Camden?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camden,_New_Jersey" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Proviso: I am married to a NJ girl, tough job but someone had to do it :thumbs2:
There was talk of secession - South Jersey from the Northern part. Other than Camden and parts of Atlantic City, much of the Southern part of the State bears not resemblance at all to Newark and the transplanted NY mentality that is prevalent around it. That is were most of the union corruption and the worst of the political skulduggery occur. The Southern folks wanted no parts of that.

Camden, along with much of Kalifornia is a model for how the Liberals would like to see the rest of the country turn out - impoverished, undefended and willing to act like sheeple to the whims of the likes of Mayor Redd.
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Re: 1/2 of Police Force in Camden NJ to let go!


Post by Beiruty »


Two months after Camden, NJ, laid off 160 police officers, city prosecutors have released a sobering report showing a dramatic rise in violent crime in the drug-and-crime-ridden city of 80,000 residents.
Aggravated assaults with firearms jumped 259 percent in January and February compared to last year, and violent crime over all is up 19 percent, the Camden County Prosecutor's Office told the Philadelphia Inquirer. Murders and robberies, however, were down for the period.
"I can't tell you we're seeing an increase in crime because of the layoffs," Thomas Garrity Jr., the prosecutor's office investigations chief, told the paper. "I do know we have the perfect storm that includes a sluggish economy, the proliferation of national gangs, and a reduction of police manpower throughout the county."

http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookou ... RjcmltZQ--" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: 1/2 of Police Force in Camden NJ to let go!


Post by cbr600 »

Thomas Garrity Jr., the prosecutor's office investigations chief, told the paper. "I do know we have the perfect storm that includes a sluggish economy, the proliferation of national gangs, and a reduction of police manpower throughout the county."
Don't forget the conspiracy to deny the Second Amendment rights of US citizens, thereby aiding and abetting the violent criminals.

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Re: 1/2 of Police Force in Camden NJ to let go!


Post by billv »

So let's see who's to blame for this?

The Union for the officers refused to accept a lower pay offer that would have brought back 100 officers of the 167 laid off.

According to the article: "he average rank-and-file officer has a salary and benefits worth $140,000 a year"

http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/0 ... ts_co.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

How's them unions working for you, up there in Camden. Did the city commissioner take a pay cut? I wonder.

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Re: 1/2 of Police Force in Camden NJ to let go!


Post by Bullwhip »

In NJ I figure crime would go down with less cops.

Not bashing cops, just bashing NJ.

Wonder how much massaging went on with those stats too? Remember the big crime drop in NYC, turns out the only thing that dropped was how they report different crimes. Boss wants lower crime rates, all of a sudden felonies turn into misdemeanors, turn into violations, turn into warnings.
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Re: 1/2 of Police Force in Camden NJ to let go!


Post by shooter4 »

Camden is worse then the arm pit of New Jersey. i got lost in Camden looking for my girl friends house and wound up in the ghetto. It was a sobbering event for a college student. That was years ago and Camden was no better then it is today. At least in Texas you can defend yourself. Jersey gun laws are some of the worst in the country and there is no castle doctrine as i recall.

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Re: 1/2 of Police Force in Camden NJ to let go!


Post by scud runner »

Murders and robberies, however, were down for the period.
:thumbs2: :thumbs2:
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