my first time

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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my first time


Post by roff »

my first traffic stop since getting my chl in january of 2009 (unless you count getting my utah cfp in dec 2008). i was going 82 in a 65 on my way to dallas. i was pulled over by a state trooper in willis. the lady officer told me to get out of the car and come between my car and her car. first thing i did was give her my chl then my dl. she asked if the gun was in my pocket i said no its on my side and i turned my side to face her. she lifted up my shirt and took the gun and holster out and said shes going to take it back to her car.

after reading everyones stories of being disarmed on a traffic stop i assumed she was going to unload my firearm and return it to me with the slide locked back. from her car she told me she was putting it in my backseat. she said she was going to run my dl for warrants etc. she came back with a ticket for me and told me i can put my gun back on before i leave instead of doing it sitting in the car. she said she appreciated my cooperation with letting her know i had a chl.

i was kind of excited for getting to show my chl for the first time to a leo but im sad now that i have a ticket to take care of.
i has chl
i has cfp
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Re: my first time


Post by Fangs »

roff wrote:the lady officer told me to get out of the car and come between my car and her car.
I was under the impression that LEOs have stopped putting people between two cars on the side of the road since drunk drivers have a tendency to squish people between the vehicles on impact. :headscratch

Oh well, glad everything went well (minus the ticket).
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Re: my first time


Post by gigag04 »

Fangs wrote:
roff wrote:the lady officer told me to get out of the car and come between my car and her car.
I was under the impression that LEOs have stopped putting people between two cars on the side of the road since drunk drivers have a tendency to squish people between the vehicles
Some agencies haven't moved past it. I still cringe at some of the things I see troops do.
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Re: my first time


Post by RHenriksen »

Yep, I'd hate to be between two cars on the shoulder :confused5 Wonder if the LEO would have been agreeable if you'd asked to move to a safer location?
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Re: my first time


Post by powerboatr »

82 in a 65 :rules:
geeze i bet that's a pricey ticket

good to hear your stop otherwise was without issue
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Re: my first time


Post by Oldgringo »

powerboatr wrote:82 in a 65 :rules:
geeze i bet that's a pricey ticket
It should be a pricey ticket. The speed limit is the speed limit just as much as a 30.06 sign is the CC limit.

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Re: my first time


Post by roff »

do a lot of people pay for their tickets opposed to doing defensive driving, deferred adjudication, or hiring a lawyer to take care of it? i will most likely choose defensive driving to take care of this one.
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Re: my first time


Post by Oldgringo »

roff wrote:do a lot of people pay for their tickets opposed to doing defensive driving, deferred adjudication, or hiring a lawyer to take care of it? i will most likely choose defensive driving to take care of this one.
I dunno'. I got a speeding ticket on the Florida Turnpike in 1985 and IIRC, I paid the $50 fine and didn't speed no more.

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Re: my first time


Post by powerboatr »

i adjudicated my last one i received from evil Knievel in Tyler cost me 10 dollars more plus the fine and no tickets for 120 days i believe
and honestly i wasn't speeding......i drove under a yellow light :anamatedbanana

since then i am more aware or skooter cops :nono:
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Re: my first time


Post by C-dub »

17 over isn't that bad. Other than anyone who might have just been taken straight to jail, my wife might have the record for a ticket at $500+ for 25+mph over in a construction zone with workers present.
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Re: my first time


Post by Fangs »

So far my "best" is 45 over. :tiphat:
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Re: my first time


Post by sjfcontrol »

powerboatr wrote:i adjudicated my last one i received from evil Knievel in Tyler cost me 10 dollars more plus the fine and no tickets for 120 days i believe
and honestly i wasn't speeding......i drove under a yellow light :anamatedbanana

since then i am more aware or skooter cops :nono:
Since when is that illegal? (Assuming you mean drove thru a yellow light. Maybe you meant drove "under" a yellow light at the top a pole?)
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Re: my first time


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

C-dub wrote:17 over isn't that bad. Other than anyone who might have just been taken straight to jail, my wife might have the record for a ticket at $500+ for 25+mph over in a construction zone with workers present.
15 Over can get you hauled to jail for Reckless Driving. Be careful. :txflag:
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Re: my first time


Post by Oldgringo »

OldCurlyWolf wrote:
C-dub wrote:17 over isn't that bad. Other than anyone who might have just been taken straight to jail, my wife might have the record for a ticket at $500+ for 25+mph over in a construction zone with workers present.
15 Over can get you hauled to jail for Reckless Driving. Be careful. :txflag:
Driving in excess of the posted speed limit is a crime. If one thinks the penalties are too severe, don't do it; OR leave earlier for your destination.

FWIW, I have no more sympathies for speeders than I do for rapists and bank robbers, etc. Let the punishment fit the crime. BTW, I think the the Old Testament is kinda' cool...but that's just me.
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Re: my first time


Post by C-dub »

OldCurlyWolf wrote:
C-dub wrote:17 over isn't that bad. Other than anyone who might have just been taken straight to jail, my wife might have the record for a ticket at $500+ for 25+mph over in a construction zone with workers present.
15 Over can get you hauled to jail for Reckless Driving. Be careful. :txflag:
Oh, she is! In addition to the fine, she could not take defensive driving and if she received another speeding for two years her license would have been suspended for 6 months. That did not happen and she's very conscientious about her speed now.
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