Disarming the public...

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by ExMarlboroMan »

THEY know I have guns, and THEY know what guns I have, And if THEY want to confiscate them, THEY can have them....But THEY WILL HAVE TO TAKE MY BULLETS FIRST!!!

I am a born TEXAN, Born in Houston, Wrangler wearin, Rodeo goin, GUN OWNIN, By GOD Texan to the bone! :txflag:

Some of the LEO and MIL folks will drop their faces and follow orders, It's already happened in LA. , New Orleans to be exact. I'd like to think as Texans and as AMERICANS our armed forces (LEO's and MILITARY) would not follow orders to disarm civilians or shoot upon them for not disarming but who knows.

"Removes tinfoil hat" "rlol"

Matt :evil2: :patriot: :txflag:
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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by The Annoyed Man »

ExMarlboroMan wrote:Some of the LEO and MIL folks will drop their faces and follow orders, It's already happened in LA. , New Orleans to be exact. I'd like to think as Texans and as AMERICANS our armed forces (LEO's and MILITARY) would not follow orders to disarm civilians or shoot upon them for not disarming but who knows.
Maybe this will make you feel better:

READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States
Group asks police and military to lay down arms in response to orders deemed unlawful
Oct. 18, 2009
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal
Depending on your perspective, the Oath Keepers are either strident defenders of liberty or dangerous peddlers of paranoia.

In the age of town halls, talk radio and tea parties, middle ground of opinion is hard to find.

Launched in March by Las Vegan Stewart Rhodes, Oath Keepers bills itself as a nonpartisan group of current and retired law enforcement and military personnel who vow to fulfill their oaths to the Constitution.

More at the link above.
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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by ExMarlboroMan »

Good post! I have Read a little about the Oath Keepers in a newsletter. :txflag:
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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by joe817 »

Thanks for sharing TAM. Interesting article. I've never heard of this group. I hope they keep moderate and low key. We sure don't need any more radicalism that already exists.
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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by The Mad Moderate »

I have to say seeing a post like this makes me seriously question peoples intelligence and critical thinking ability. The paranoia of "obamas gonna take our guns" is the same that was heard during the Clinton administration. The President had so far done nothing to limit gun right in fact he said he supported the recent supreme court descion that overturned DCs gun ban. The arguments are counterproductive and damage the credibly of the people making the who I believe are good, albeit misguided people.
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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by C-dub »

loadedliberal wrote:I have to say seeing a post like this makes me seriously question peoples intelligence and critical thinking ability. The paranoia of "obamas gonna take our guns" is the same that was heard during the Clinton administration. The President had so far done nothing to limit gun right in fact he said he supported the recent supreme court descion that overturned DCs gun ban. The arguments are counterproductive and damage the credibly of the people making the who I believe are good, albeit misguided people.
He hasn't done anything and he might never, but him and some of those he keeps company with have expressed their opinions about the public having guns and their desire to restrict ownership. Sort of like a domestic arms reduction law. It's a lot like all the talk about wealth redistribution.
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by McKnife »

loadedliberal wrote:I have to say seeing a post like this makes me seriously question peoples intelligence and critical thinking ability. The paranoia of "obamas gonna take our guns" is the same that was heard during the Clinton administration. The President had so far done nothing to limit gun right in fact he said he supported the recent supreme court descion that overturned DCs gun ban. The arguments are counterproductive and damage the credibly of the people making the who I believe are good, albeit misguided people.

Tell that to Patty and the rest of the victims in NOLA.

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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by Texas Dan Mosby »

I have to say seeing a post like this makes me seriously question peoples intelligence and critical thinking ability.

What exactly are you in doubt about?

The belief that "it can't happen here", or perhaps that the Leninists within the democratic party want to deny the right to keep and bear arms to the citizens of our nation? It CAN happen here, if WE become complacent.
The paranoia of "obamas gonna take our guns" is the same that was heard during the Clinton administration.
The same Clinton administration that passed the 1994 "assault" weapons ban under a democratic congress, which, fortunately expired in 04' and was NOT renewed despite the best efforts of democratic/Leninist senator Feinstein from the peoples republic of Kalifornia.

The arguments are counterproductive and damage the credibly of the people making the who I believe are good, albeit misguided people.
There is nothing misguided about monitoring the individuals who are empowered to pass legislation that can effect our culture, our way of life, rights, and our very freedom as citizens and a nation.
88 day wait for the state to approve my constitutional right to bear arms...

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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by JP171 »

I wont say it can't happen here, I will say that it is most very unlikely to happen here, there are laws that prevent the actions by the federal military that cover this very thing, the N.O. thing was NOT federal military( it was Lousianna national guard) the Nat. Guard is under the direction of the Governor of the state NOT the Federal govt, when a NG unit is called up by the Fed a formal request is made to the GOVERNOR and the Governor has the ability to refuse(never happend but can) I do agree though that most of the people who are in the federal military service do not know about the laws and what comstitutes a legal or illegal order and the current administration isn't going to tell them. as far as police comming from other states to Tx and attempting to disarm us it is also in the realm of fantasy, other law enforcement officers from other states have no acutal legal authority in texas although texas currently plays nice and gives them the benefit of the doubt, but on the orders of the Governor of Texas that can stop just that fast, also most of the Texas National Guard and State Guard would refuse Orders to confiscate weapons of Texas Citizens, and Texas does make sure that the Guardsmen are familiar with the UCJM,TCMJ, Hague and Geneva conventions and what does or does not constitute a lawfull order.
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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by Excaliber »

I don't know a lot about this organization, but this country would be in a much better place if we could find a few more politicians who would honor their oaths of office instead of completely ignoring them as a matter of habit and party loyalty.

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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by Waco Kid »

The Annoyed Man wrote:I was watching a TV show either on Discovery or NatGeo a while back about power generation in the US. What I found interesting was that they showed a picture taken from space which depicted North America's power generation and distribution grid. Virtually the entire country shares power back and forth with Canada. The lone exception was Texas - which is apparently energy self-supporting, and neither imports nor exports electricity between itself and the rest of the nation. With the exception of part of the panhandle, you can see in the image below that Texas is energy independent. (The website I got this image from thinks this is wrong and advocates forcing Texas to come into the national grid.)
This is not quite correct. ERCOT does import/export power to other grids across DC tie lines (see this doc for details, there's a DC tie at Oklaunion):

http://www.ercot.com/content/mktrules/g ... s_v3r2.doc" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Though a 220MW tie is really just a drop in the bucket for ERCOT power (which most recently peaked at over 65000 MW in February during the cold spell). DC is used because the Texas grid runs on its own 60 Hz cycle, and that cannot be connected to other grid's 60 Hz cycles (they are out of phase with each other).

To me, the grid division is more about system stability. Control areas exist in order to maintain a stable system frequency (60.000 Hz ideally, but it's not quite that easy), while matching generation to load. Texas has a fairly good match between generation and load, but until some of these new plants come on line, it seems to be getting thinner and thinner. ERCOT seems to be cutting the 'required reserve margin' every few years, and we seem to dip in to it fairly often these days.

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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by speedsix »

JP171 wrote:I wont say it can't happen here, I will say that it is most very unlikely to happen here, there are laws that prevent the actions by the federal military that cover this very thing, the N.O. thing was NOT federal military( it was Lousianna national guard) the Nat. Guard is under the direction of the Governor of the state NOT the Federal govt, when a NG unit is called up by the Fed a formal request is made to the GOVERNOR and the Governor has the ability to refuse(never happend but can) I do agree though that most of the people who are in the federal military service do not know about the laws and what comstitutes a legal or illegal order and the current administration isn't going to tell them. as far as police comming from other states to Tx and attempting to disarm us it is also in the realm of fantasy, other law enforcement officers from other states have no acutal legal authority in texas although texas currently plays nice and gives them the benefit of the doubt, but on the orders of the Governor of Texas that can stop just that fast, also most of the Texas National Guard and State Guard would refuse Orders to confiscate weapons of Texas Citizens, and Texas does make sure that the Guardsmen are familiar with the UCJM,TCMJ, Hague and Geneva conventions and what does or does not constitute a lawfull order.
...when I was an LEO in the 70s, we were taught that the Federal government could come in in an "emergency" and make all law enforcement federally authorized and controlled...and there were those of us THEN who said that we'd quit if that ever happened...there are still a lot who would...there are legal ways the feds can do it...but there will be more resistance than they've ever dreamed...some Americans will still die for their rights...and some feel like Patton...but I can't quote that here...'cause Patton talked nasty :patriot: :patriot:

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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by JP171 »

speedsix wrote:
JP171 wrote:I wont say it can't happen here, I will say that it is most very unlikely to happen here, there are laws that prevent the actions by the federal military that cover this very thing, the N.O. thing was NOT federal military( it was Lousianna national guard) the Nat. Guard is under the direction of the Governor of the state NOT the Federal govt, when a NG unit is called up by the Fed a formal request is made to the GOVERNOR and the Governor has the ability to refuse(never happend but can) I do agree though that most of the people who are in the federal military service do not know about the laws and what comstitutes a legal or illegal order and the current administration isn't going to tell them. as far as police comming from other states to Tx and attempting to disarm us it is also in the realm of fantasy, other law enforcement officers from other states have no acutal legal authority in texas although texas currently plays nice and gives them the benefit of the doubt, but on the orders of the Governor of Texas that can stop just that fast, also most of the Texas National Guard and State Guard would refuse Orders to confiscate weapons of Texas Citizens, and Texas does make sure that the Guardsmen are familiar with the UCJM,TCMJ, Hague and Geneva conventions and what does or does not constitute a lawfull order.
...when I was an LEO in the 70s, we were taught that the Federal government could come in in an "emergency" and make all law enforcement federally authorized and controlled...and there were those of us THEN who said that we'd quit if that ever happened...there are still a lot who would...there are legal ways the feds can do it...but there will be more resistance than they've ever dreamed...some Americans will still die for their rights...and some feel like Patton...but I can't quote that here...'cause Patton talked nasty :patriot: :patriot:

I have heard of no law that would allow this, however that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The last I went thru about civilian law enforcement was that there was no way to federalize them beyond what state law allowed. I would like to know where this law is just cause I am curious as to how to federalize a city or county LEO on a federal level, I know that they can be under federal coordination but not federalized to work in states outside of their own.
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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by Medic624 »

Anyone Remember this early in the Obama Administration??? :rules:
http://www.infowars.com/iowa-national-g ... fiscation/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

It was a quick down and dirty test to see how the populace would react... but when it leaked and went national it was squashed "QUICKLY" and white washed
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Re: Disarming the public...


Post by JP171 »

believe it not that is perfectly legal its not the fed that instituted that it was the governor of the state. Natioal Guard tropps are allowed to be used at the discretion of the Governor and in the manner the Governor chooses to use them
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