Oh. I thought maybe Acom's razor was the new teflon-coated model.
I eventually came into possession of a nice blue S&W Model 19 because of a police blooper. When I was still a kid in Indiana, one of the county deputies inadvertently launched a round from it while inside his police car. He then added premeditated foolishness to his problem by shooting several more holes into the car from the outside and telling the Sheriff that he had been attacked. Our Sheriff then had only one arm, but a full brain, and figured out the real story. This resulted in an open position in his office and the Model 19 for sale at the front desk. My Dad heard about it (I think he was on the Sheriff's Merit Protection Board or something like that, and he bought it. (Yes, right in the sheriff's office, no FFL. Pre 1968.) I inherited it when Dad died, and it was what I used when I first got serious about shooting handguns.