flintknapper wrote:Unless I have to defend my home in the middle of a sand storm...then it will always be the AR for me.
Good point - here stateside, few of us are going to be using a firearm under really adverse conditions - we generally don't have to worry about a rifle functioning after it's been coated with fine sand for most of a patrol, or after being dropped in a rice paddy, or coated with sleet from a winter storm. So the "which is more reliable" is largely academic . . .
unless you've built your AR on the cheap out of gun show components of questionable origin. (Few build their AKs.)
Under "normal" conditions I'll pick a good AR for its superior ergonomics - the AK round hits harder, but with good ammo (I'm
not limited to FMJ!) the AR certainly hits hard enough.
If I
knew I was going into severe conditions, the AK has a lot of merits. And a good AK is going to be a lot cheaper than a good AR. But logistics
do favor the AR.