High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters

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High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by terryg »

At the ForumDay on Saturday, MegaWatt pointed me toward paddle holsters by Don Hume as one that keeps the gun fairly high in relation to the belt.

I think this is the one he was talking about:
http://www.donhume.com/index.php?main_p ... ucts_id=39" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I currently carry IWB as I have not been able to conceal OWB very well. I have wondered if carrying higher would help with OWB concealment.

So I was wondering if anyone else has any recommendations for a high-riding paddle holster so I can compare the available options.


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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by SpringerFan »

I sometimes carry a XDM40 in a Don Hume JIT holster. It works pretty well to hold the grip high and close. Good concealment with a loose overshirt or jacket, tight t-shirts not as well.
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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by A-R »

Bianchi Model 82 (though you'll need to check to see if they make one to fit your Ruger)
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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by TexasGal »

Just make sure you are long waisted enough you can draw and reholster well. I can barely get the gun out of the holster on a high ride. In a rush situation, that might not go well :eek6
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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by USA1 »

TexasGal wrote:Just make sure you are long waisted enough you can draw and reholster well. I can barely get the gun out of the holster on a high ride. In a rush situation, that might not go well :eek6
That's not a problem. terryg is like 8 feet tall...seriously! :shock:
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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by terryg »

USA1 wrote:That's not a problem. terryg is like 8 feet tall...seriously! :shock:
True - figuratively speaking. Of course, when I turn sideways, my head, chest, and legs disappear - leaving only my middle-age gut with a lump where my CCW rides ... :mrgreen:
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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by USA1 »

terryg wrote:
USA1 wrote:That's not a problem. terryg is like 8 feet tall...seriously! :shock:
True - figuratively speaking. Of course, when I turn sideways, my head, chest, and legs disappear - leaving only my middle-age gut with a lump where my CCW rides ... :mrgreen:
Still better than me. When I turn sideways, nothing disappears...and my middle-age gut is visible from any angle. ;-)

Back on topic..Any luck finding the holster you've been looking for?
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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by chasfm11 »

I'm been following this thread and hoping that it would provide a few more details. I don't want to hijack it but think that my questions might actually be in line with others. The day at PSC convinced me that I want a OWB in addition to my IWB and that I want to be able to carry it at 3oclock. So.....

1. I don't have a long middle (it is just a fat one :cryin ). With a little pain in my shoulder if I try to lift it too high, a really high rise probably wouldn't work for me. What OWBs are NOT high rise but would still conceal with an untucked flannel shirt? My Sig P250 isn't like a 5" Kimber so I don't think it would stick down all that much. Is there such a thing as a medium rise? To keep this in perspective, I have no problems at all with the Minotaur in this regard.

2. My nightmare is drawing my gun and having the holster come with it. That scares me about paddle holsters. Right now, I don't have the time to try IDPA but I'd like to find a hoslter that wouldn't get in my way from a draw standpoint if I did. I will say that I had the same reservation about the MTAC Minotaur and it proved to be totally false - the clips hold it just fine. Comments?

3. While I'm not a fan of kydex, I'm less a fan of not being able to accurately reholster. How are the all leather holsters from this perspective versus the kydex? I realize that OWB may be different from IWB in this regard.

4. I've looked at several different OWB styles, base on the recommendations on this forum. For most practical purposes, it would seem that straight up is better than the FBI or x Draw cant. Maybe having the versatility to change that might be good. If I did decide to do IDPA, is one better than the other and would a multi-cant be too much of a compromise (maybe beside it is a high rise, too?)

I've always believed that things need to be tailored for use. I don't need the same type of GPS that a truck driver does. I may not need or want an OWB that works for others (maybe even lots of others) because I don't plan to use it as they do.

If I'm driving the thread in a direction that is different, I'm happy to open an new thread. I just didn't think that another active thread on OWB now would make it easy to get the answers being sought.

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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by terryg »

USA1 wrote:Back on topic..Any luck finding the holster you've been looking for?
No, I am more at the 'beginning to look stage'. I am happy with my Comfort Carry for the moment. Like chasfm11, I did envy those using OWB during some of the clinics. It is much easier to get a good grip on the weapon. But the Fobus paddle I have now just doesn't ride nearly close enough.

So perhaps switching to an OWB is more of a long term goal. Have to balance with my other wants: modifications such as night sights, something for the rail (i.e. tactical light and/or laser), another small BUG, good magazine holders, more magazines, membership to PSC, etc. Then I still have my geek toys that need replacing every so often ... :eek6
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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by TexasGal »

I don't own these, but I've been looking for an OWB holster that I can conceal with a longer sweater/jacket/shirt for winter. After some time looking, I've narrowed down my choices to these. Thought I would share if you want to take a look for yourself.

Check out Raven Concealment's Phantom holster. It's kydex and is modular. It rides very close to the side and the attachments can be changed out to make it an IWB if you need to. The paddle attachments pull it even closer than the belt loops:

http://www.themalabarfront.com/index.php?cPath=82_85_92" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Also, have you checked out the offerings from Bladetech?
http://www.blade-tech.com/SRB-Sting-Ray ... r-939.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://www.blade-tech.com/Eclipse-Serie ... -1207.html

These are the ones on my wish list for an OWB carry holster anyway.
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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by A-R »

terryg & chasfm11:

What it seems both of you want is a solid "pancake" style OWB holster. There are a ton of these available from nearly every manufacturer in both leather and kydex with every conceivable form of retention, and some have multiple "cant" settings. A pancake style holster will ride as close as possible to your body (which Fobus holsters DO NOT do), giving max concealment in an OWB holster.

But I also encourage you not to give up on your tuckable IWB holsters. I shoot IDPA carrying in my standard Crossbreed Supertuck, and consider my draw to be adequately fast. The trick is to jam your thumb between the leather backing and the pistol grip as you wrap your bottom three fingers around the grip and draw the gun. With practice this becomes quick and instinctive.

In addition to better/easier concealment, I also prefer IWB carry because the pressure of your belt applies the needed retention, thus allowing you an unimpeded draw. With many OWB holsters, unless you're using it specifically for competition, you'll want to strongly consider positive retention like a top strap or one of the many finger-release mechanisms found on Blackhawk SERPA style, Bianchi 82, Safariland, and many other OWB styles geared toward plain clothes police officers. I'm not saying this active/positive retention devices are mandatory, but there are very good reasons why most cops use them. The downside is they do slow down your draw a bit. But as with most things, with practice you can minimize this delay.
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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by A-R »

This is another OWB option that I think looks promising, though I find two things about it somewhat disappointing:

* can't swap kydex bodies like with the IWB Minotaur holsters
* the "slide" versions (to hold multiple lengths of same brand of pistol - i.e. Glock 26, 19, 17) apparently may not have enough retention to safely use for public carry (caution on website to use these for "range work only").

http://www.comp-tac.com/product_info.ph ... cts_id=101" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Has anyone tried one of these?
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Re: High Ride OWB/Paddle Holsters


Post by loneaggie »

I recently picked up a Don Hume J.I.T slide for my beretta. Its perfect for the days I wear bigger polos, or now with cooler weather - sweatshirts. Works well with the right cover garment. Good retention, lightweight, I like it.
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