Kid's School Backpacks

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Re: Kid's School Backpacks


Post by gemini »

TexasGal wrote:
Yeah, I remember the same thing..and SHOCKER! No one ever got shot! There were no hostage crises. No liberal panic leading to expulsions of students, etc,etc, etc... ad nauseum.
Sometimes I am so disheartened by how far and how fast things slid to where we are now.
back in the day.... we just left ours in the trunk or behind the seat in the truck. A few times the coaches even came out to the parking lot to check out the hardware. Again, no one got shot, no one was even thinking about pointing a gun at or shooting another student or faculty member. Back then, school started after Sept 1st (opening of dove season). I am a old man, and the above is simply me rambling on about the way it was......

Edit to be on topic: when my kids were young I was amazed at the sheer weight of the books they were expected to carry around.
I was certain they would be afflicted with severe back pain/problems later in life.
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Re: Kid's School Backpacks


Post by blackdog8200 »

glock27 wrote:how did they determine to search his backpack in the first place?
Always a detail... Sorry, I am not 100% on the "discovery" however I suspect they have random checks of the bags. It is a private school and I am not up on the policies. The whole thing for me is how something innocent can get out of hand in a hurry. Like leaving a live round in a shooting jacket and deciding to "carry on" a bag at the last minute.

Once I packed a pocket knife in a tennis shoe in my bag to be checked. My wife needed room for something of hers and move my shoes to my carry on pack. TSA was giving the bag a HARD look when the asked "Do you have a knife in there?" I went white and told her I didn't mean to but that it was possible I forgot to check the "Sharps" portion of my first aid kit.....She said no it looks like a cork screw/knife in a shoe....I pulled out the shoes and knew what had happend and they didn't delay me and even asked if I wanted to check or mail the knife home. It could have been worse.....

After the "liquids" restrictions on flights, I now have a special bag that the 1st aid supplies H3O, Iodine, sharps all go in. Along with that I have a small bag where choke tubes, knives, tactical flash light, batteries all go that I pack last to make sure there are no surprizes in my carry on. That way when I get to the hunt or the hike...I just make sure my two "special" sacks get back in the pack and I am good to go. :txflag:
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Re: Kid's School Backpacks


Post by blackdog8200 »

KD5NRH wrote:
bnc wrote:
glock27 wrote:how did they determine to search his backpack in the first place?
They probably ran some dogs through the school to sniff. When I was in high school (low school is more like it) we had mandatory pep rallies where you were not allowed to bring your backpack if you wanted to study and the girls could not bring their purses. Of course, when we got back to class there would be dog fur and slobber on the back packs and purses. I'm sure the school thought they were really slick, disguising a drug/bomb sweep as a pep rally and all. :roll:
Most smokeless powder is soluble in acetone. When the acetone dries, depending on the concentration, it will leave the former powder in more of a dust or cake form. Nail salons have squirt bottles that are acetone resistant.

Just some random bits of info for educational purposes only :evil2:

Careful..."Big Sis" will put you on her "bad monkey list" and call the IRS, TSA, DEA, FBI, NCIS, Miami Vice, NYPD blue and the US Marshals..... :biggrinjester:
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Re: Kid's School Backpacks


Post by TxSheepdog »

KD5NRH wrote:
bnc wrote:
glock27 wrote:how did they determine to search his backpack in the first place?
They probably ran some dogs through the school to sniff. When I was in high school (low school is more like it) we had mandatory pep rallies where you were not allowed to bring your backpack if you wanted to study and the girls could not bring their purses. Of course, when we got back to class there would be dog fur and slobber on the back packs and purses. I'm sure the school thought they were really slick, disguising a drug/bomb sweep as a pep rally and all. :roll:
Most smokeless powder is soluble in acetone. When the acetone dries, depending on the concentration, it will leave the former powder in more of a dust or cake form. Nail salons have squirt bottles that are acetone resistant.

Just some random bits of info for educational purposes only :evil2:

Took me a second.. but that is very :evil2: "rlol"
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."- Thomas Paine

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