college student looking for part time job (Huntsville)
Moderator: carlson1
college student looking for part time job (Huntsville)
looking for a part time job in huntsville while i finish up college
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Re: college student looking for part time job (Huntsville)
What is your major?
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Thomas Jefferson USMC 1967-1970 101st. Underwater Mess Kit Repair Battalion - Spoon Platoon.
Re: college student looking for part time job (Huntsville)
i am a psychology major(going to grad school next semester) with a minor in criminal justice... im pretty quick to catch onto stuff def. not slow BUT im not claiming to be Einstein either haha
Re: college student looking for part time job (Huntsville)
people tell me to be a correctional officer in the prisons here BUT i have visited two for CJ classes and didn't like the idea...way to paranoid to have convicts all around get grey hair in 1 month