Clutch wrote:Got this in an e-mail from my Mother.
Houston , inner city is almost all Black, Latino, and Asian. There is a huge gay community... What you may not know is that the City of Houston does not have much more than 35% whites in their population.
Personally, I don't see where any of this is relevant. There are plenty of reasons to oppose ANY liberal in the November elections that race should not come into play at all. These lines are race-baiting, nothing less, and conservatives would do very well to stay away from it. After all, the conservative movement is about individual liberty, no matter the race or skin color of said individual - or sexual orientation for that matter. I know several conservative gay people, but I know many more who would be conservative if not for many conservatives being so openly hostile to the gay community (which strikes me as hypocritical, seeing as how these same conservatives say they're for individual liberty).
Bottom line, there's enough room for everyone of every race, gender, creed, or orientation in the conservative tent. We're the ones who decry the liberals hyphenating everyone as African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American, etc. I would love to see the hyphens go the way of the daily ice and milk deliveries, and look forward to a time when every person in this great nation is (once again) simply American.
I, for one, always strive to judge a man by the content of his character and not by the color of his skin.
“I’m all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let’s start with typewriters.” - Frank Lloyd Wright
"Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of arms" - Aristotle