co-worker robbed at gun point

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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by pcernuch »

Purplehood wrote:
SQLGeek wrote:So to throw another hypothetical on this. What if one of you is in your truck/car when you see this and just happen to have a truck/car rifle within grabbing distance?
Than I might actually hit what I am aiming at. I suck with the pistol.

haha me too!!

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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by MoJo »

SQLGeek wrote:So to throw another hypothetical on this. What if one of you is in your truck/car when you see this and just happen to have a truck/car rifle within grabbing distance?
Never take a pistol to a gunfight when there is a rifle available. :nono:

If honking horn, and shouting at the BGs didn't stop the assault then well, it's been over 40 years since I last fired in anger - - - A MAN's got to do what a MAN's got to do.
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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by Target1911 »

sgerry wrote:Honk, Draw the muzzle away from the woman- while calling 922 on the bluetooth connection

Draw if necessary. Shoot if required.

#1 Terrorizing a woman. Yes i said terrorizing, i wish the US would use this term for armed encounters. then prosecute to the fullest.
#2 Total and Blatent disregard for TX law when it comes to the use of a gun. They have no fear...guaranteed it's not their first or last robbery. We need to thin out the herd.

Flame if you will, but everyone of my friends knows i do not tolerate violence towards women in ANY way. And i will become "involved" at any level necessary if it happens around me. (and yes i would act the same if it was a male victim).
:hurry: :tiphat: :fire :fire :fire

We need more people on this earth like you.

We carry our firearms so we have the means to PROTECT what/who needs PROTECTING.

Armed robbery is the main reason I am fond of pocket carry.... a back up gun, not only gun or primary.

BG puts gun in your face and demads your money.......BG has just asked you to reach in to your.........wait for it............. "POCKET"
.....NOT your waistband. Well I dont know about the rest of you but that particular wallet carries a nice punch......a few of them actually. Run that one dry....drop it....go for your primary.
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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by sjfcontrol »

I'm sure many of you have seen this before, but it fits with the previous post...

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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by karder »

That is a terrible story. I especially hate hearing about the first lady who was assaulted. I hope those guys pick the wrong victim next time and "have a really bad day at the office" if you know what I mean. :mad5
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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by sgerry »

Just realized i put I would call "922" in my orig post..fixed now.
TOLD y'all i get heated when people mess with women.
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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by USA1 »

sgerry wrote:Just realized i put I would call "922"..
TOLD y'all i get heated when people mess with women.
I just thought you knew something I didn't know. ;-)
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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by USA1 »

BTW sgerry, your avatar reminds me of myself as a lad. :mrgreen:
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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by sgerry »

:tiphat: Been using it for years....kinda of appropriate!

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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by JNMAR »

IF I saw this in progress, the two guys one with a handgun pointed at the lady and could discern without a doubt that it was an armed robbery in progress, I'm pretty sure I'd bet the BG a dollar to a donut I could out shoot him. I carry among other guns, a fully loaded Rem 700 22-250 in the right front seat next to my truck console. I kill varmints from coons to hogs every week with it. When I go to the city it goes with me. It's there, it's ready, and it's deadly accurate. Of course there's lot's of variables one would have to evaluate on the spot but if I knew her life and/or welfare was at risk, one or two more...ummmm.... varmints wouldn't bother me or Ol Betsy.
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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by gigag04 »

I'm surprised no one is driving over the BGs. Depending on where they where this may be a great tactic. A car is a great weapon against two assailants, and at this point DF would be a reasonable choice.
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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by JNMAR »

By DF I'm assuming you're meaning deadly force, gigag? If I could be sure I knew what was going down I don't think I'd hesitate to use DF... since she was washing her car, I assume it would be in a stall and if so I wouldn't think the BG's would be too accessible for a run down. Besides I've watched too many shows where a guy with a handgun makes a pretty deadly shot on an approaching driver (lol). I think I'd rather be far enough back to have my crosshair directly on center of mass and if so, he'd better hope he didn't hesitate when I told him to drop it. That 2 1/2 lb trigger is just so smooth and light.
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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by suthdj »

Purplehood wrote:If I see someone that looks like a victim to me, with two guys threatening immiment bodily harm I would hope that I take action.

First I would have my weapon at the ready.

Second I would take a pic with my cellphone.

Third I would call 911.

Fourth I would play it by ear from that point on...I might need to change my drawers by that time.
Here is a good site that lets you stream live video to the site that way it is not stored on your phone in the event BG's get it." onclick=";return false;
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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by E.Marquez »

shortysboy09 wrote: Wouldn't honking the horn and drawing attention maybe get the pistol turned in your direction? I like the reply as far as being a good witness, calling 911, and getting plate number and description. But, I wouldn't draw attention to myself and get the gun pointed in my direction. At that point I would feel my life is threatened and be forced to react.
You know it just might :totap:
Of course at that point you go from good witness with no justification to act, to good witness whose life is now being threatened with deadly force and the ability, legally anyway to act.
I've been shot at enough to remember I don’t care for it. Unless it's job related, I'll keep out of the way if at all possible.. but.. Standing by in the shadows with a note pad while watching a lady being robbed at gun point is not likely to happen.
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Re: co-worker robbed at gun point


Post by Target1911 »

You drive up toa DIY carwash and see someone getting robbed at gun point, IN one of the wash bays. Who do you thing as the advantage? You, driving around acting like you are doing normal carwash busuness? Or the BG standing in the stall, between a wall and a car with two brick walls on either side? It would be VERY easy for you to take the upper hand in this situation with an ample amount of hard cover and it would easy to do without the BG knowing untill it is too late.

This really has me thinking about building a cheap K.I.S.S. rifle to keep in the trunk as well. With a good zero you could be 100yds away, BG wont even know you are there...............then just turn out the lights.

I HATE and have no use for a thief and I dont think they deserve the heart beat or the breath they take. then to top it off with (as said above) terrorizing a woman........there is only one thing on this earth they deserve and I know for a fact I would not have any problems takin out the trash. Did I mention that I HATE a thief?
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