Cleared the house this morning

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Re: Cleared the house this morning


Post by KD5NRH »

C-dub wrote:For those that haven't yet, ya'll are gonna hate to hear about this. There's a thing called a "bump key."
Bump keys have been around for a while. Lockpicks have been around since locks were invented. Pick guns have been around for decades. Various online guides to lockpicking have been around pretty much since the dawn of the internet. The simple fact is that virtually all burglars prefer to either find an unlocked door, or just break something to get in.

Picking is primarily useful when you don't want to break anything to get in. (Or on the off chance that you're not able to break anything to get in. Thanks to fire codes, your house can't be that secure.) Burglars don't care if they damage your stuff.
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Re: Cleared the house this morning


Post by sjfcontrol »

texas1234 wrote: My alarm system is my first line of defense while sleeping. It costs us $40 bucks a month and we have a cell phone back up if they cut the phone lines.
Anybody paying $40/month should check out" onclick=";return false;
Prices as low as $11.95/month (3-years in advance), $14.95 (1-year in advance) or $17.95 monthly. And all the bells and whistles available thru their website.
Range Rule: "The front gate lock is not an acceptable target."
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Re: Cleared the house this morning


Post by texas1234 »

SJF thats information I could have used three years ago into my five year contract. Thanks though I will keep it in mind.
6th Generation Texan
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