I was thinking of getting snub 38 anyone carry these during the summer?

Moderator: carlson1
I do. I carry either an S&W Airweight or Ruger SP101 depending on my attire at the time. While I own, and have owned several SA handguns, when push comes to shove I turn to my revolvers.nmartine wrote:I own a PX4 full size 9mm and back in November I purchased the PX4 in a subcompact 9mm. Love em both but I have more fun shooting my subcompact rather than the full size. I've been thinking since I really don't have too much of a need for a full size right now I was thinking about getting a pocket gun or a smaller piece maybe a wheel gun for summer carry. What do you guys think?
I was thinking of getting snub 38 anyone carry these during the summer?
I agree. Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with my first snubby. But am now comfortable enough that I would use it to qualify for CHL if doing so didn't preclude me from carrying a semi-auto.DrBillC wrote:practice is key if you're going to carry a snubbie.
wow! That is just plain scary! Makes a good argument for an all steel gun. Thanks for posting.RECIT wrote:Not the best video but just a glimpse of what too maybe come with the LCR.
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