Which they are you talking about now?PUCKER wrote:Jim, I'm curious, since you claim they consider it valid - what other signs do they consider valid? What about the "Buffalo Wild Wings Bans Guns" sign at BWW in Grapevine? Seriously. And, do you have some official documentation that says they consider it valid...like I mentioned before, and was never answered - it's all hearsay until I see something official from the Grapevine PD.
The Simon company considers their signs to be valid and "like all of the other area malls are posted . . ." which is from an email response from them. A reply to that email stating that the other malls are not posted was not replied to.
I didn't get a letter from DPS, but I did ask for one, when they told me on the phone that as long as the attempt was made they would consider it valid. The young lady I was talking to at the time didn't like it much when I suggested that the same logic should mean that doing 49 in a 40 zone was making an effort to stay within the posted limit.
I don't think that a "gunbusters" sign would fall under a valid attempt to post, if that's what you mean. I haven't seen BWW's sign, it doesn't seem to exist in the Plano store, but they do have a blue TABC sign. Is BWW's sign posted?
The Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas, the last time I was there, was posted with a 5x8 sign, but you have to pass through a metal detector to get in, so you are going to get verbal notice, which doesn't have to meet any standards.
The Allen Police Department has a sign, which doesn't meet any standards, and they consider it valid. Plano has similar signs.
The problem is that the law is not clear, not in the least, and all of this debate is merely a tale full of sound and fury signifying nothing. If a police officer thinks he has the right to arrest you, he can do so, if a prosecutor wants to prosecute you, he can do so, just look at last year's flap about the State Fair in Dallas, with DPS stating that a private security company working for a private company that runs the fair on city property could legally record your name and information or ban you from the grounds if carrying. That is just wrong on so many levels, but they did it, and got away with it.