It was pointed out in another thread recently that the word civilian can be used to refer to non-leo's according to the dictionary definition. From the Webster's dictionary:Excaliber wrote:That would solve the problem if it weren't for the fact that LEO's are citizens too.WildBill wrote:On Adam-12 they called them citizens.Excaliber wrote:I guess I'll just have to get used to clumsy language on this point unless someone can suggest a slicker way of talking about regular folks who aren't cops.
I suppose we could start a whole new set of terminology for those with Level 1 arrest powers (citizens with the power to make a citizen's arrest) and Level 2 arrest powers (local LEO authority), and go up through levels 3 and 4 for state and federal jurisdiction.
(Sigh) It was so much easier when I could just call regular folks "civilians".
Main Entry: ci·vil·ian
Pronunciation: \sə-ˈvil-yən also -ˈvi-yən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : a specialist in Roman or modern civil law
2 a : one not on active duty in the armed services or not on a police or firefighting force