I did make one with some sort of pink trim for stepdaughter's XD service last year, playing with tooling (sort of came out like fish scales) and four layers of leather......crude heavy weight pancake...... You can drive a truck over it without deforming it. Not sure that's normal ccw need in high demand.CompVest wrote:Ever consider or try a pink dye? No not for me I am NOT a pink lover, but there is a good market for pink in the firearm industry. A matching pink holster for all of those pink guns should do well.
Edit: Just remembered....it was an experiment to how well tooling would stay in a molded holster (tooling definition comes out of single layered molded)....that's why the double layers, so the tooling would not go away. Ah, the joys of old age.
I'll make a pink one. Great idea!