psijac wrote:I only carry one pistol but i toy with the idea of carry a second piece.
Does anyone out there carry 2 pistols? Are they the same kind of handgun or caliber even? Do you carry extra mags for both weapons?
One gun right now. A Walther PPS 9mm. But I have been looking really hard at the S&W Airlite .38 as a BUG.
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. Samuel Adams
You have great taste. I consider it to be the best Glock made.
I really thought that when I first bought it I was having a testosterone rush and that it would be a real heavy recoil, but in actual fact it shoots really sweetly and my wife can handle it easily too. The first .45 she has ever felt comfortable shooting.
It conceals easily and is an accurate gun. It meets all my criteria.
Glock - When a FTF just isn't an option!
04/24/09 - CHL Class
08/17/09 - Plastic in hand!
NRA & TSRA Member
Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
"Society doesn't have a gun problem; Society has a society problem"
psijac wrote:I only carry one pistol but i toy with the idea of carry a second piece.
Does anyone out there carry 2 pistols? Are they the same kind of handgun or caliber even? Do you carry extra mags for both weapons?
My primary is a 1911 on my right hip loaded with .45 ACP +P. Two extra mags on my left hip.
In my left-front pocket is a .32 Seecamp. Always. Unless legally prevented.
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I’ve contacted my State Rep, Gary Elkins, about co-sponsoring HB560. Have you contacted your Rep? NRA Benefactor Life Member