In The Wee Hours of the Morning

So that others may learn.

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Re: In The Wee Hours of the Morning


Post by randomoutburst »

quidni wrote:Just tell him, "All guns have at least two safeties. One's digital, one's cognitive. In other words - keep the digit off the trigger until ready to fire, and THINK. Some guns also have mechanical safeties on top of those. But if the first two don't work, the mechanical ones aren't guaranteed."
:iagree: :clapping:
Yes, that would definitely make him pause. ;)
I think he was particularly worried about the gun accidentally discharging while carrying in a holster. Which I explained typically doesn't happen and why. I understand his worry; when you aren't raised around guns, they seem like machines with minds of their own that could go off at any time. It takes some training and common sense to realize that they ARE machines...and as such, are controlled by our own actions.
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