Gun disgorged from holster

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Re: Gun disgorged from holster


Post by particle »

What's truly amazing is the human body's ability to overcome "modern technology". The amount of force that was put on that frame must have been immense - but the body could take it (until it hit the gravel). I have a prosthetic leg from a motorcycle accident many years ago - yet I'm still fairly easily able to overcome the weaknesses of modern technology. My prosthetist said she sees young children all the time coming in with broken prosthetic devices because they're so hard on them. Carbon fiber, titanium, stainless steel, epoxy resins - 10's of thousands of dollars invested in these limbs at the drop of a hat, and they snap like twigs." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Gun disgorged from holster


Post by USA1 »

mr.72 wrote:
usa1 wrote:
ELB wrote: Completely off original topic, but you think you could teach this guy the mountain bike tuck-n-roll technique? ;-) ... =rec-HM-r2" onclick=";return false;
"rlol" there was some rolling ..not too much tucking ....
im pretty sure there was plenty of puckering :shock:
Interesting that you laugh at someone else's injury. The rider is lucky to be alive, and he had an amazing recovery.

This guy was trying to set a speed record on a bicycle. I saw a story on this very run and the follow-up (a year or so later after he healed from his numerous injuries). He's a professional stunt rider and definitely took every precaution. This was an extreme equipment failure that caused his crash, not some fault of the rider. And contrary to the ignorant youtube comments, this was a purpose-built bike handmade for this high-speed run (this was in the dark ages of mountain bike technology, this bike was cutting-edge at the time), the very best equipment you could have possibly used at the time.

The hostility that Texans show towards cyclists is often shocking to me. To watch a guy crash a mountain bike at 100mph and then post a " "rlol" " emoticon is beyond my comprehension.

Sorry to go off-topic.
wow , im sorry if i've hit a nerve . it is certainly not my intention to offend anyone .
looking back and giving it some deeper thought, i realize that i may have appeared insensitive .
please accept my apologies :tiphat:
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Re: Gun disgorged from holster


Post by dukalmighty »

On My crossbreed theres a fine line between retaining the gun firmly and having to jerk it out to draw,since I can't run due to a disability Falling at high speed is pretty slim,
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Re: Gun disgorged from holster


Post by Abraham »

jamullinstx ,

First, how's the wrist?

Secondly, thanks for posting your experience.

We can all learn from it.

I too have had my pistol "disgorge" and man, what an ugly surprise it is...
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Re: Gun disgorged from holster


Post by RiverRat »

I have 3 MTacs and haven't done any serious nose dives with them. Sorry you did.

To be constructive.....Are you wearing a proper gun belt? The belt over the gun on the MTac is an important part of the good gun retention. Some of that depends where you wear your belt, body shape, etc. A belt keeps my pants on.. :biggrinjester: A good belt keeps my gun from sagging on my strong side like Matt Dillon.

I normally set the scew tension where I like it for draw/reholster, but I cinch up a little tighter on my belt when carrying IWB. It appears to me that the leather on the holster's inside conforming to your body furnishes a certain amount of extra compression retention due to the contour of you body (depends where it is, I guess some folks have more defined curves than other :)).

Thanks for sharing your accident information.
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Re: Gun disgorged from holster


Post by jamullinstx »

Wow, from back in July, and this thread is still going.

Yes, I wear a Comptac Kydex-reinforced gun belt. It is excellent. The holster is a Minotaur. I tightened the screws as tight as possible after the incident, and it seems to be working properly, although I don't like the draw resistance at that torque as well as I did before. I'll live with it. Whether it is tight enough to prevent the original problem -- who knows, and I don't want to run the experiment required to find out.

The dogs are fine; my hand is healed; and all is well.

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Re: Gun disgorged from holster


Post by striker55 »

I slipped on some wet tile at work, went down on my right side. Right on my para 1911, my job doesnt know I carry. My only thought was wow I'm glad this gun did not go off. Messed up my shoulder and my knee, gun is fine.
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Re: Gun disgorged from holster


Post by USA1 »

striker55 wrote: Messed up my shoulder and my knee, gun is fine.
phew ! , i'm glad to hear the gun is OK . :evil2:
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Re: Gun disgorged from holster


Post by android »

striker55 wrote: My only thought was wow I'm glad this gun did not go off.
We're so conditioned from TV and movies to think that guns will go off if whacked hard, that it is really hard to not believe it.

I have a friend who used to live in South Africa and was involved in a bit of para-military employment. He said they actually spent a weekend trying to get a Glock to AD, skipping it down the road, running over it, even throwing it out of a helicopter and couldn't get nothing. But it worked every time they pulled the trigger.

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Re: Gun disgorged from holster


Post by Humanphibian »

To the OP....

I completely understand your concern. The circumstances leading up to the point where your "personal safety tool" was dislodged from the holster are not the concern....the point is....YOUR GUN LOST RETENTION TO SOME DEGREE....and THAT is sacry as H#!!

I had a situation back in Aug 0f 2008 during a hostile confrontation with my wife's ex husband. I was attacked by surprise and ended up having to endure several blows to the head due to the fact that my "PST" has started to become dislodged from my Sparks MII and I was doing everything possible to prevent this. I carried my 229 in this holster for ~10 years and NEVER had a problem with it....however I had never been in a confrontation that involved this level of physical involvement. It was VERY sobering to say the least.

There is a post on here describing the incident and my thought process and feelings at the time. Needless to say....I have aquired a couple of holsters that have built in retention devices. I keep my VMII in the rotation, but when in the general public I carry concealed in a manner that would be appropriate for OC. It may be a fraction of a second slower to draw if needed....but in the 13-14 yrs. or so that I have been carrying, I have never had to draw my PST...I have however had a situation where I though I may loose control of it during a violent encounter. This one situation alone has convinced me to use retention devices, and practice...practice...practice with them until the draw times vs non retention holstes are negligable.

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