Pete92FS wrote:
And he didn't shoot the cat either.
rule 3: Keep your finger off the trigger until you have acquired the target
rule 4: identify your target and what is beyond it
Those two rules saved the cat. And of the two cats in my house, this one is the "good one".
In reality I fully did not expect to find anyone in the house. Once I came in the door I could see that nothing of value appeared to be stolen, the house was in the same condition in which we left it, the back door was shut and the deadbolt locked (only lockable from the inside without a key). I could see all of this pretty well immediately; our house is an open floorplan and 50% of the house is visible immediately when you enter from any door, with a lot of high-value stuff visible. So going through the house was more of a verification that there was nothing to be worried about to assuage the fears of my wife and daughters before coming into the house. The kids asked me "did you check
every room, including our closets??" before they would come in.
If I had walked in and seen the living room torn up and the back door standing open or my guitars not hanging on the walls or a blank spot where the TV used to be, then I would have turned back around, gotten back in the car, driven down the street and called 911.