First one to call the cops...

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First one to call the cops...


Post by ELB »

'Victims' part of robbery try
Holdup attempt led to shooting, false report, police say

By Hank Dudding (Contact), Memphis Commercial Appeal
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A victim's tale of robbery and murder unraveled when investigators learned that she'd participated in the stickup that backfired and turned deadly, police said Monday. ... bbery-try/" onclick=";return false;

It has often been recommended that if you are involved in an altercation, be the first one to call the cops and establish yourself as "the victim," lest your opponent do it first, and you find yourself charged with assault or worse for defending yourself.

Here's a case where the actual victim was in fact set up for robbery, killed one of his attackers, and was then accused by the surviving attacker of attempting a robbery and committing murder. But the cops figured it out anyway, altho the story doesn't say how the cops discovered this.

Originally saw this at Clayton Cramer's gun self-defense blog...
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Re: First one to call the cops...


Post by seamusTX » ... t=+memphis" onclick=";return false;

The first problem was that the woman left the scene and did not immediately call 911 or seek medical help for the man who was shot. There may be a valid reason for leaving the scene, but not to delay calling 911. Also, someone may survive even after a shot to the head or chest.

Probably the woman talked too much, contradicting herself. Criminals do that all the time.

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Re: First one to call the cops...


Post by Lodge2004 »

Had a friend call me one night in a highly agitated state to talk about how her ex-husband had assaulted her and she had to pull a pistol to get him out of her place of business. I pleaded with her to immediately call the police.

The next morning she called me again, after getting released from jail.

She didn't call the police because she "still loved him" and didn't want him to get into trouble. :banghead:

He did not feel the same way.
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