First of all, let me say that I genuinely appreciate the existence of this forum. Having been laid off twice in the last 14 months,

I have a little time to kill and reading these has certainly helped pass some time. I decided to get my CHL, went through the discussions with the boss and the ex-boss, and took the class. Did the application and sent it in on July 7th. Didn't send it registered/receipt requested, but called and they said they got it and all was well. Never received a PIN and called again. They emailed me the PIN. During the call the person said my pictures were good and it looked like every thing was moving right along with mine. Interesting to hear that, given what I have been reading here.......I'll keep ya'll posted as it goes. Still way early in the game for me. Been practicing around the house carrying concealed, nothing fancy, just a little Blackhawk IWB holster for now. It seems to fit and conceal pretty well. Inside the holster is a Beretta 92G Centaurian. Nice little gun. Some might say a bit large for carry, but if I can hide it, I can carry it.
My wife has decided that since I am not currently employed, there are some other things I can do to ease the pain of waiting. Painting the inside of the house and such

. Several days of my life there that I'll never get back. Seriously, though, I hope the DPS and counties have gotten their act together. I asked about the wait when I called them, and say said they were adding/had added some more staff. We'll see how that goes. Pretty clean app on my part, one address in Tarrant County, work in both Tarrant and Dallas Counties.
Once again, thanks to all for all the information on this site, and good luck to all in the "Waiting Room"!