On another note, republicans start hammering at Sotomayor's stance on 2A...

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Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
Pffft. By that logic we should also support a nomination of, say, Charles Manson, Doogie Howser, or the Easter Bunny. Any of them would also be a historic choice."She's a historic choice," said Landrieu of Sotomayor. "She deserves our support."
Good point, perhaps we should ask for a qualified choice? You know, unless race really is that important.Chip wrote:Pffft. By that logic we should also support a nomination of, say, Charles Manson, Doogie Howser, or the Easter Bunny. Any of them would also be a historic choice."She's a historic choice," said Landrieu of Sotomayor. "She deserves our support."
Drewthetexan wrote: Someone who is so often over-ruled does not seem to understand the law or America,
I would agree if are current political system had common sense and rule of law... that isn't the case.casingpoint wrote:She's toast.
Common sense is the one thing Washington is completely devoid of.caldvn wrote:I would agree if are current political system had common sense and rule of law... that isn't the case.casingpoint wrote:She's toast.
Differing from the SCOTUS is not necessarily a sign of not knowing the constitution/law -- even the SCOTUS disagrees with itself (hence 5-4 decisions) or just gets it drastically wrong (Dred Scott, Kelo); but when all nine justices step on your decision, or you have a long string of reversals (like the Ninth Circuit, or used to be), then yeah, there's sumpin' wrong...Supreme Court vs. Sotomayor [Ed Whelan]
Judge Sotomayor thought it appropriate to use an unpublished summary order to dispose of the claims of the New Haven firefighters in Ricci v. DeStefano. Today the Supreme Court issued 93 pages of opinions in the case that Sotomayor acted to bury.
Further, although there is a sharp 5-4 divide among the justices, not a single justice thought that Judge Sotomayor acted correctly in granting summary judgment for the City of New Haven.
CWOOD wrote:We need to remember (as I am sure most of us do) that the reason that she was nominated by the President is BECAUSE she has been overturned. He is dissatisfied with the current make up of the Court so he is going with someone even more radical and leftest that Souter...and much younger to the lifetime appointment. The mainstream (leftest radical activist) opinions she will bring to the court, as well as the next nomination he makes, will bring more balance, and compassion and insight to the chauvinist, white male Neanderthal reactionary right wing majority who seem to have this silly fixation on using the Constitution, of all things to make their judgements(relatively speaking).
Don't you see, once her opinions attain a majority on SCOTUS, she won't be oveturned anymore. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT.