I agree with you.......my original point was that if your gun is your first and only option you may want to consider other options as a gun is not "the answer" to every aggresive dog encounter. That being said, if my daughter was with me I would feel very strongly with going to a gun too, but it is not my only option "available".caldvn wrote:I don't feel the need to carry every single defensive weapon to justify the protection of my daugher in a case where a dog is making an aggressive stance/posture/movement/motion/etc... If I feel my daughter will be harmed, I'm not going to run through a list of of stick whacking, spraying, punching, kicking, etc... options with a dog running straight at us. Granted, depending on the dog, I will try to avoid the situation at best, however those options go out the door for every step the "aggressive" dog takes towards us. To heck with the owner if their pet isn't leashed, especially if they own dog breeds with a history.RedRaider wrote:[
I totally understand the need to protect yourself and your kid from a threatening dog, and it sounds like it worked out this time without needing to pull the trigger. I really hope a gun is not your first option in regards to a threatening dog, you may want to consider having other options available before use of a gun.........pepper spay and a sturdy walking club or cane come to mind. Steel toe boots are another I'd consider when out and about knowing there are loose dogs...........
defending your dog
Moderator: carlson1
Re: defending your dog
Re: defending your dog
:) When children come to play, it's a different story. In our lifetime, I hope not to get into any situation that would warrant the use of a weapon let alone a gun.RedRaider wrote: I agree with you.......my original point was that if your gun is your first and only option you may want to consider other options as a gun is not "the answer" to every aggresive dog encounter. That being said, if my daughter was with me I would feel very strongly with going to a gun too, but it is not my only option "available".
P.S. My apologies for misreading your post, something ticked in me when I was thinking about dog situation with my daughter.
If my posts sounds like I got a monkey on my back... it's actually a gorilla. Just don't get offended. :)
Re: defending your dog
No problem, this is a topic that heats up most people, the thing that gets me riled up is the irresponsible owners that allow their dogs to run loose, and I don't care what breed it is or how aggresive it is, its just a plain nuisance when you want to go on a peacefull walk around the neighborhood with kids or your dog.caldvn wrote: P.S. My apologies for misreading your post, something ticked in me when I was thinking about dog situation with my daughter.
I guess I'll help get the thread back on topic and respond to the original poster..............if a stray dog attacks my dog that is on a leash I will try to punt it into outerspace, if that doesn't work, I will go through all viable options given the status of the situation and hope to avoid using my gun.