Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release

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Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by thankGod »

Thanks to mrvmax for his "Crossbreed Supertuck IWB review" in another thread. This is a continuation of a problem he brought up.
mrvmax wrote:
The mag release on my 2022 gets pressed by the holster and releases the mag
and a possible solution,
by CompVest on Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:50 am

Right side mag release not just for lefties!

I am right handed with little hands. I have my mag releases on the right side of my guns. It is a lot faster to drop my mag using my middle finger then to rotate my grip to use my strong hand thumb or use my support hand to release the mag on the left side. I took a half a second off my reload times by doing this.
So, I have a Glock G19 with a grip reduction and an extended mag release as I have small hands also. I still cannot reach the slide release without rotating the pistol in my paws. As a matter of fact, the only pistol I can reach the slide release on without rotating the pistol is my LCP.

The problem with the Supertuck with regards to the G19 is that it will release the magazine when I move. Not a good thing. So, can the mag release be changed to the right side of a Glock? And, if it is switched, will it clear the kydex on the Supertuck, or have the same problem?
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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by mrvmax »

I thought it was just my extra "insulation" that pressed the release, maybe thinner wearers may not have the problem. Although the Supertuck is the best holster i own now, I am going to try out the MInotaur from Comp Tac. I get tired of having different holsters, with the MInotaur you can use the same "frame" but swap bodies for different guns. I am going to try it out on my 5"1911 and my G30. AS for your question, hopefully someone else can answer.

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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by propellerhead »

I don't know what a 2022 is so I can't visualize what's going on. What I know is the Supertuck can easily be modified by anyone. Take a drill or sandpaper to the Kydex body and adjust it as needed. Take a razor blade or sandpaper to the leather backing and do the same. That's one thing the Supertuck allows you to do that the fancy $100+ holsters won't. I've trimmed and sanded my Supertuck to fit me. No sense in going with what a holster maker thinks fits you.
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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by thankGod »

Thanks propellerhead. I think I might try cutting out a section of leather. I would like to be able to use this Supertuck.
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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by Therealvu »

ThankGOD -did you resolve your magazine release issue? I'm also having the same issue and was thinking about cutting out a notch where the magazine release button is. I'm not convinced that this will solve it. Any input would be much appreciated.

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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by DEADEYE1964 »

Therealvu wrote:ThankGOD -did you resolve your magazine release issue? I'm also having the same issue and was thinking about cutting out a notch where the magazine release button is. I'm not convinced that this will solve it. Any input would be much appreciated.
Call Mark at Crossbreed holsters, your supertuck has a lifetime warranty and Mark stands behind his products better than anyone I know. He is a site sponser on XDTALK.COM and I have not heard of many problems but if there is, he will correct the problem. :clapping: :clapping:
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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by thankGod »

I haven't tried notching the Crossbreed as I've decided to replace the extended mag release with the original. If the original mag release still ejects the magazine when holstered, then I might give Crossbreed a call.

Basically, I've been lazy about acting on this.
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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by Therealvu »

I did come across a post by Mark, from Crossbreed, on in which he suggested wetting a small portion on the back of the holster (the size of a quarter) where the magazine release button was and then working a small "dimple" from the front side of the holster. It seemed to have worked for a few days, but this evening I had another "magazine release incident." I did inspect my dimple that I created and it seems to have flattened out. I've e-mailed (not sure if that's Mark or his staff) and am waiting for his risponse. Thanks, guys, for all your help as well. In the meantime, I'll make another dimple before trying to notch out a hole.

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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by BigD_htl »

my mtac has never had that prob neither has my fathers supertuck for his 23
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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by HD1200S »

Im kinda worried about this issue, I have a g23 and just ordered my supertuck, its about 3 weeks out, but my problem is I was looking to add a extended mag release to my glock since after installing my hogue grip I cannot release the mag without twisting the gun towards my thumb. Does anyone have any info on how this extension might effect the supertuck fitment? I would consider removing the grip, but I love how it feels and would hate to take it off, thats my last resort.

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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by LarryH »

HD1200S wrote:Im kinda worried about this issue, I have a g23 and just ordered my supertuck, its about 3 weeks out, but my problem is I was looking to add a extended mag release to my glock since after installing my hogue grip I cannot release the mag without twisting the gun towards my thumb. Does anyone have any info on how this extension might effect the supertuck fitment? I would consider removing the grip, but I love how it feels and would hate to take it off, thats my last resort.
Call them and ask. They can tell you better than anyone else.

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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by StrykerDM »

anybody hear of any good solution for this yet? My supertuck for my XD does the same thing when I'm sitting in the car and lean over on it...

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Re: Crossbreed Supertuck engages magazine release


Post by paynewp »

I use a supertuck with my G22 with extended mag release and a magwell. I ended up trimming about a quarter size circle around the release indent and have not has a issue since. Love the supertuck and had to make it work for me.
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