Day 18! Nothing significant about the number, other than I'm itching to get my PIN and hoping that my fingerprints were OK. 3 more days, and I can officially bug them to make sure my app has been entered into the system.
I'm going stir crazy here!
At least I got the chance to put in a full day at the range yesterday, putting all my guns to some good use.

: The new mojo sights for my 91/30 made me especially happy. That and the fact that I got to test the Hornady XTP rounds and that they go through my PA63 like butter has made them my definite carry load. Some mighty fine ammo, that Hornady - the polish on that brass is as slick as cow snot!

Now all I gotta do is find a supplier. Everyone seems to be out of 9x18 XTP these days.
In a related note, I wonder if the number of smileys used in a waiting room post is proportional to the length of wait...